The new year started on an overwhelmingly optimistic and inspiring note as the students of BHS participated in the Inter School Art Contest organized by Nazafat, an organization of the Dawoodi Bohra Community dedicated to promoting hygiene, cleanliness and environmental awareness.
This event was launched on 2 nd Dec 2019 and the topic was Karachi-Through my Eye. Various schools of Karachi participated under the lofty banner of Protecting the Environment Through Art.
Hundreds of entries were received and displayed on the Thursday, the 2 nd of January 2020 at Al Madrasa tus Saifiyah tul Burhaniyah, Haidery campus.
Fifty talented finalists were shortlisted from all the submissions and were invited to Governor House. Here, they were given an opportunity to express their hopes, dreams, vision and mission through art on the five initiatives of GREEN VISION launched by Nazafat. This includes Waste segregation and Composting, Greenery and Plantation, Cleanliness and Hygiene, Beating Plastic Pollution and Water Conservation.
11 students of BHS were in the top fifty out of which two made it to the top ten. Husaina Quaid Johar from Class 8 bagged the second position for her though provoking and inspiring art piece. Fatema Tus Sughra of BHS from Class 8 stood out in the top ten.
The on-spot final round was mentored by the talented artists of the community and judged byrenowned artists. Inspiring figures like artist, Yousuf Bashir Qureshi, interacted with the students, providing them a memorable morning.
BHS was also given an opportunity to present on the topic of Cleanliness and Hygiene where they elaborated on the Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s TUS philosophy of a clean body, mind and soul.
The purpose of NAZAFAT is to make people aware to play their role in keeping their surroundings clean and hygienic as per the guidelines of Islam.
His Holiness Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS has spearheaded several environmental campaigns to plant trees, create urban forests, make bird feeders, clean up operations, stop plastic to mention a few, in Pakistan and the world over.