Spelling it Right at the Bee

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BHS stresses on the idea that ‘Leaders are Readers’.  Reading involves plethora of skills out of which knowing spellings tops the list.  Spelling and reading skills are closely related and help develop overall literacy.

Learning spellings via reading serves to encourage learners to adapt the major principles and patterns of English, expand their vocabulary and their pronunciation.

The National Spelling Bee organized by Dawn in Education provides students with the right exposure where they can practice their spellings. It is imperative that students prepare themselves by familiarizing themselves with the correct pronunciation of the words, pay attention to pronunciation guides in dictionaries and practice saying words correctly by saying the words aloud and recognizing the number of syllables.

Preparing for a Spelling Bee means becoming acquainted with hundreds of words, remembering their spelling and meanings — so much so that when a word is pronounced the speller is able to visualize it.

After tough training sessions for weeks, our 6 young participants belonging to 2 pools-Pool A of age group 12-14 (Al Aqmar Yousuf, Husaina Tahir and Maria Mushtaq)and Pool B of age group 15-17 were ready on the 1st of November 2019 to face the music at the Arts Council.

It is but natural to be nervous and excited on the day of the contest. There is the dual pressure of stage fright along with the stress of remembering a myriad of spellings. But it was a sight to see young spellers from BHS ruling the stage on the singular component of their hard work.

It helped pool B not only qualify first round, but they cleared the double sting second round as well entering into the eliminations where unfortunately, we got knocked out.

Winning and losing is a part of an active journey only trodden by the brave. The spirit of the Bee at the end of the day is to do our best. It is indeed a matter of great pride to be able to represent one’s school at a National Contest.

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