Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes – Maggie Smith.

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Communication is the backbone of today`s society, which helps in forming connections and bringing about a positive change. Today BHS witnessed a silver-tongued orator Zahabiya Zoaib of Class XA, inspiring young pupils of class VI. Her motivational speech was based on a constructive inspirational video which showed how Sam Berns, a teenager suffering from the rare medical condition Progeria, is perfectly content with his life.

Children were touched by the way Zahabya convinced them that happiness is a choice that we ourselves make. She put forth a new meaning of happiness using Sam Berns` philosophy of a happy life. What made the session more productive was the perpetual interest of the young learners. They appreciated Zahabiya by applauding and thanked her vigorously for showing them the effectiveness of gratitude and happiness. Cheers for the future motivational speaker!!

What is education but identifying and polishing skills of students and giving them a platform to shine.

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2 responses to “Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes – Maggie Smith.”

  1. Way to go, Zahabiya! It is this kind of motivation from your teachers that will one day see you on a bigger stage and in front of a bigger audience.

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