An orientation at the beginning of the academic year is the right time to revel in the previous year’s successes, sow the seeds of expectations and share the plan for the coming year and set the tone and pace for the future. It is a time to bring together the parents and teachers for the holistic development of the children so that they may continue to work hand in hand for the entire academic year as a team who have the same lofty goals in mind for the pupils.
On 11th August 2017 Badri High School organized an orientation program at the Al Jamea tus Saifiya Auditorium at 5:30 pm. After a refreshing round of tea served to the parents in the summer breeze, the coolness of the auditorium was a welcome respite. Janab Amil Saheb Janab Shabbir Bhai sahib was the revered chief guest and other prized guests included prominent Business Growth Consultant, Shaikh Zoeb Bhai Haidry who was the guest speaker as well as other respected members of the community and the trustees of BHS.
The event was opened by a commentary led by the senior students and began with the soulful and mesmerizing recitation ofSurat u Shams and Surat ul Alaqby Hafiz ul Quran Janab Mulla Abdul Qadir bhai, who steers the Hifz program at BHS. The students of class 9 recited Marasiya and the enlightening verses of Alamal Insana penned by Aali QadrMufaddal Maula TUS. Their baritone voices swept over the audience and enraptured those present.
After the rendition of the National Anthem the parents rejoiced at the pictorial presentation which showcased the achievements of the academic year 2016-17, especially the three Huffaz who shone as well as the position holders of the SSC exams. The parents clapped in joy at the success of their children.
The principal Janab Shaikh Hashim Bhai then welcomed the guests in his speech and congratulated the parents and teachers on their role in BHS’s success and how the institute has come such a long way in the last half a century.
Tasneem ben Sabunwala, the Hifz Coordinator, shared the inspiring program for Hifz of the current year and Ms. Maryam Sadriwala, the Head of Section of the Secondary threw light upon some important school policies as well as the anticipated vision of the year 2017-18. The exciting features of the upcoming year include three Hifz Programs, an English Speaking Drive, Reading Programs and the Ilmveristy App to mention a few.
The most thrilling event was the news of the launch of Robotics and incorporation of STEM education for Grade 5,6,7 shared by Ms. Rashida Adnan which exhilarated the parents.
One of the most beneficial aspects of the evening was the presentation of our guest speaker Shaikh Zoeb bhai Haidry who educated the parents about the changing requirements of parenting, tips for effective parenting and the myths that surround parenting. He appreciated the multiple activities initiated at BHS which will surely prove to be instrumental in unearthing the potential and building the character of the students who learn here. It was an absorbing experience for the parents as well as the teachers present.
The one and a half hour event was appreciated by the guests and lauded by the parents for its professional management and exalted aim to connect parents and teachers right at the inception of the academic year.
14 responses to “ORIENT THE YEAR 2017-18”
mashallah you people are doing great work with high dedication especially in hifz. cobgragulations to all staff!
Stunning. Very well done!
Lovely achievement …..wish we could be again part of our skl…..wish if I could serve something to skl….
…Ma.sha.Allah BHS Rockss!!..
Barakaat Of Aqa Maula’s (TUS) Qadam Mubarak! 🙂
Mashallah subhanallah
As moula farman har ghar ma aik to hafiz hoi in that farman badri school play the important roll and achive the goal Inshallah. I also hope robotic is the intresting and attractive feature of school
BHS orientation is excellent. Due to the Qadam Mubarak of Aali Qadar Mola (T U S) is progressing in Hifzul Quran and all educatinal resources. I hope BHS future is bright and wish more Huffaz passes out which Mola desire that “Har Aik Ghar Ma Aik Hafiz Hoy”
Allah tala Mufaddal Mola ni Umersharif ne ta roze Qayamat baki ane baki rakhe . Aameen
Badri high school as always been radiant light which enlight the road to success for so many. Congratulations to whole the team of BHS who are blessed with the able leadership of Janab Sh Hashim Bhai.
Congratulations to the students and the entire satff 👍. Very well organised Orentation hatsoff to the team.
We wish continues success to BHS
Appreciate the continuous efforts in all related educational fields. Congratulations to BHS team
Mashallah and all the achievements are because of AQA MOULA’S QADAM MUBARAK.
I have attended the function very informative should be held regul arly
Great achievements in hifz n is improving day by day in other fields
Well done BHS