Milad Mubarak Celebrated by the Montessori Section

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A colourful Moqib marked a multi-colour river of little soldiers who marched to the joyous beat of drums in a procession to celebrate the 80th Milad Mubarak of AqaMaula tus.

The outpouring of love from their hearts was evident as each class in a specific colour showcased one of the ahadeeth on Hub taken from Ashara mawaiz, with pictures, props and dresses.

The mokib started from the main gate of Badri High School and wound its way across the front ground, round the trees and by the slides, and culminated at the back ground.
The children then presented their mubarakbadis in words of love and devotion on the stage as the air reverberated with sounds of tilawat, salam, matam and madeh in sweet young voices.

Our parents were with us every step of the way through live streaming of the program.

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