Saturday, 30th November 2019 was a perfect day for celebrations. It was cold enough to enjoy a cup of hot chocolate and peanuts around a bonfire and yet the sun shone merrily enough to take delight in the cool breeze.
Badri High School arranged for the students of Pre-Primary to spend a day with their grandparents. Together, grandparents and grandchildren had to complete 10 activities before they could move towards the Fun Area where a roaring bonfire beckoned them with roasted peanuts and hot chocolate and some bubble-blowing fun as well.
The activities showcased a mixture of Tarbiyat and Taleem as children did salam and massaged their grandparents feet in one area and read a book together in another. The handprints frame was a cherished souvenir while the circle of love and rings game got the old and the young walking, hopping and jumping together. The grandmas enjoyed weaving and grandpas enjoyed building with blocks. The fishing game was fun and they all wished they could take the fishes home. Their milad cards were collected by Taalebaat from Al-Jamea-tus-Saifiyah to be displayed in Masjid. It was endearing to watch the grandparents make sure to get their activity sheets stamped at every area.
Guests from an NGO based school were overwhelmed by the hospitality they received, especially when each grandma and grandchild pair was given their photograph as a souvenir. Janab Amilsaheb and UmmeAiman Bensaheba graciously accepted our invitation and spent time with their grandchildren and did many activities together. Our chairman Janab Naeem Bhaisaheb was missing his granddaughter very much and has promised to come back with her when she comes to Karachi.
Parent-child-school make a triangle but when grandparents enter the equation, it becomes a circle of love.