Dinosaur Discovery

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This week the Montessori Seniors and Juniors had an opportunity to learn about the prehistoric animals, ‘Dinosaurs’. Dinosaurs have always fascinated all of us. For our young children this topic was thrilling; ‘What are dinosaurs?’, ‘How do we know about them?  ‘How long ago did they exist?’  Many questions like this were popping in their young minds. To answer their queries a whole week plan was prepared which included activities ranging from digging ‘fossils’ to witnessing dinosaurs in their actual sizes. Children became ‘paleontologists’ and used different tool like brushes, magnifying glasses and tweezers to dig ‘fossils’. This activity helped them to understand how dinosaurs were discovered. Dino-related books, stories, poems and videos further helped to consolidate their learning.

Visit to Jahangir Park

To extend their experience about these gigantic creatures, children visited Jahangir Park which has been newly renovated as a Dinosaur theme park. Children were awed to see the huge dinosaurs of different kinds and the dino-eggs which were big enough to hold a number of children. The creatures were connected to sensors which enabled them to move and make sounds. The children were thrilled to see the dinosaurs in action.  In addition, they got chance to see different birds, a peacock dance and had a great time in the outdoor play area which had see-saws, slides, swings and rope & wall-climbing. Eating lunch together was also so much fun.
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Coming back from park with loads of stories, they transferred their memories on page by drawing and writing about their experience.
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