Creative Writing In Seniors

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It begins with the first scribble that the child identifies as ‘me’. Gradually, as a child’s concepts grow with exposure, his vocabulary expands, and his observation becomes sharper, ‘me’ develops from a scribble to a figure with recognisable features and painstaking detail: ‘me’ might now be wearing a frilly pink frock which ‘papa brought from Dubai’ or have a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses perched on her nose or may be playing cricket with his brothers.

As the child learns to read and begins to write, ‘me’ is represented with ‘I like to wear my pink dress’, or ‘I like to play cricket with my bhai’ using invented spelling.

The more passionate writers also develop the ability to write stories with characters, problems and solutions and create suspense too!


The world of reading and writing beckons them. And it all begins with a scribble that the child identifies as ‘me’.



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3 responses to “Creative Writing In Seniors”

  1. Good creativity to the children. It was great to see that children was reading more books and they pick-up point very quickly.

  2. Story telling is the best. The journey from We to Me to I and beyond is amazing. Bravo keep the imagination flowing.

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