
Teacher`s Appreciation Month

It is evident that all doctors, engineers, scientists, techies, businessmen, politicians and many others who run the infrastructure of this fast moving and rapidly changing world, are able to do what they do best, because of teachers. A saintly and noble profession like teaching is the creator of all other money making, fame generating and highly loved jobs in the world. It would not be wrong to predict that if we do not have any teachers, we will never have the right manpower to run the global engine.

Not just this, but all other humanitarian actions also take place because back in childhood, or in early adulthood, there was a teacher who taught how to become a productive member of the society. Such an important part of our society are teachers. Their influences cannot be erased.

In order to pay a tribute to the services offered by the teachers, the world marks October as International Teacher`s Appreciation Month. Many students make cards, write letters and give presents to their teachers as a token of their love and respect. Educational Institutions also make sure that the services of these agents of change are rewarded and they feel appreciated, which, in return, boosts the morale of the teacher. For this reason, many researchers in the world have considered timely and worthy appreciation of a teacher`s services as the best stimulator of their intrinsic motivation.

This year, Badri High School decided to take the teachers, far from the hustle and bustle of the city of lights to a dinner on the Hawks Bay Beach. Dua Restaurant was indeed a scenic venue to the Teacher`s Appreciation Ceremony, which consisted of awarding certification to teachers, keeping in mind their unique strengths. Teachers chatted, took pictures on the beach under the night sky, played a lot of refreshing games and watched the iconic win of Pakistan over Afghanistan.

Coming back to the school on Monday, each of them was refreshed and happy to give their best. We recommend all institutions for such much needed outings and a uniquely crafted appreciation, which is deserved by teachers.


Model United Nations-Making the World your Oyster

In this fast changing world, the definition of a successful individual can be someone who knows what to say, when to say and most importantly, how to say. 21st century schools have realized the importance of communication skills, and are taking the right steps to ensure that the kids learn and apply this skill. Badri High School has also taken up many such initiatives to boost the application of communication skills learned by students.

This year, we are proud to launch Model United Nations as a co-curricular program for the students of Grade X, at Badri High School. This academic simulation will only polish the communication skills, which include speaking, researching, paraphrasing, summarizing, debating, listening and writing, but also urge the students to remain updated about what is happening around the world. It will help the kids to network with many other students nationally and internationally.

Excited as they embark on this journey, Grade X started with the first session of this life changing activity on Saturday, the 18th of September 2021, under the guidance and mentorship of Mr. Talha Ansari, a renowned debator, MUN academic advisor and trainer, public speaking coach and mentor. The energy and motivation of this once-a-week session is extremely contagious.

We wish the students of Grade X a very best of luck and pray that these sessions enable them to accentuate their communication skills and enlighten them globally.



“The quality of mercy is not strained, it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven…”

The vicinity of Block C Hyderi resonated with this powerful monologue uttered by the most powerful character, Portia, a princess and a daring lover, carved out by the pen of the greatest dramatist of the world, William Shakespeare. Many fans of literature, teachers and students from various schools, colleges and universities, prolific figures of the educational and journalism sectors, revered politicians gathered on Friday, the 26th of March, 2021 to witness a theatrical enactment of the most famous Shakespearean play of its time, “The Merchant of Venice” at Badri High School.

Being an emblem of change and literary renaissance, this play is originally believed to have been written in the 16th Century. The play and its characters have been talked about for ages because of their strength and values. As a part of the syllabus of Grade VIII Literature, it has always appealed and exalted the students with the implications and connections it has, with the present time, being one of the many qualities for a classic to have.

Having practiced for a whole month, it would be wrong to not acknowledge the efforts, time, energy, precision and will put in by the students of Grade VIII including those who were not a part of the cast, but, ensured the smooth transitioning from Scene I to Scene II and so forth. All the hard work bore fruit when dignitaries, virtuosos in their fields, parents, teachers, and other distinguished guests crowded the front ground of BHS, not leaving a single seat vacant.

The excitement of the crowd was visible on the entry of a character or the delivery of a potent dialogue. The applause roared through Al Mohallatul Burhaniyah many a times, during all the scenes, which proved to be motivational for our young actors. 

Behind this phenomenal performance, the consistent toil of more than a month was involved, with the contribution of teachers and parents. The journey started when a well-known theatre director, Mr. Mehdi, was invited to take a session with students briefing them about kinds of acting required on stage. After that, continuous practice sessions ensued with Ms. Tasneem Ammar Najmuddin, Grade VIII English teacher. Weeks before the actual show, a Costume Committee took over so that our actors could be clad in the finest of attires prominently worn by the class of aristocrats, merchants and money lenders in the Elizabethan era. Once the costumes were finalized, a Props team started creating customized props for the scenes of the play, complimented by the beautiful backdrops that were to highlight the setting of each scene. Once the ball started rolling, the marketing team started creating profiles of each student with the name of the character he/she would be. The light and sound on the day of the event was remarkably handled by our highly tech savvy IT team, in addition to the virtual telecast of the show for those who could not be a part of the physical audience because of the strict observance of the SOPs.

The beautiful eve ended on a heartfelt birthday wish to our respected Chairman, a wise and legendary figure in the field of education and capacity building, Janab Naeem BhaiSaheb, as the date happened to be his birthday. All the guests showered their love and appreciation for the play by sharing their appreciation via comments.

“An excellent amateur production—the costumes, sets and props showed a pragmatic touch. The comic element was well brought out and I wish the team best of luck for future productions,” commented TDC Director, Abbas Husain.

Alina Irfan from PABWRP wrote on the comment card, “What a marvelous performance by our younger smart kids. Mesmerized by this talent. Hats off to the teachers and the supporters of the program.”

“The Shakespearean night at BHS was an absolute delight to witness. The students not only enacted it but they were actually into the character they presented.  The cooperation in the change of scenes was commendable and their discipline was a delight,” shared trainer and motivational speaker Arwa Sh Khuzaima.

Faisal Sheikh from the provincial government shared, “Incredible program full of discipline—the confidence of participants and organizers stage design was outclass.”

Sh Zoaib bhai Mithaiwala who spent time praising the performers after the show wrote,

اشااللہ۔ قابل مبارکباد ہیں بدری سکول کے سرپرست اعلیٰ، محنتی اساتذہ طلبہ و طالبات جن بچوں نے ڈرامے میں بھرپور کردار ادا کیا۔ میں بحیثیتِ سینئر ممبر آرٹس کونسل کے بے شمار ڈراموں مشاعروں اور دیگر ادبی پروگرام دیکھتا رہتا ہوں۔ یہ کسی بھی معیاری پروگرام سے کم نہیں ہے ہے۔

حیرت کے مارے دریچے روشن ہو گئے گئے۔ چاہے اداکاری کو یا جملوں کی ادائیگی، ڈرامے کے کسی بھی پہلو کو کسی بھی معیاری پروگرام سے کم نہیں سمجھا جا سکتا۔ بہت خوب

May BHS, in the same way, keep equipping the youth with confidence and character, the combination destined to bring success! Ameen.


A Literary Evening at the Arts Council

The poetesses of BHS acknowledged at the Arts Council

Righty said by Wallace Stevens, a modernist poet and a Pulitzer Prize winner, “Poets are the priests of the invisible”, reflects the true significance of poetry, poets and literature in our society. In a world of robots, electromagnetic radiation, genome editing and many such discoveries, it has become even more important to stay connected to feelings such as adoration, values such as compassion and emotions such as self-love. What better way to sow compassion in the hearts of our youth-the gardeners of tomorrow.

To bring the students closer to literature, BHS organized a visit to “Salgirah Mushaera”- a literary gathering which takes place monthly at the Arts Council, where poets take the stage and narrate their poems about love, self-contentment, social virtues, and ambitions to touch the sky- the kind of thoughts that are needed to be instilled in our youth. Grade IX of Badri High School is already an admirer of maestros like Ghalib, Muneer Niazi, John Keats and Wordsworth. Exposing them to contemporary poets made them even more compelled towards poetry and its richness.

The group included the poetesses of Badri High School, who recently published their first anthology, “Dream come true” and inspired teens all over the country. Umme Hani Mohammad and Sakina Lamuwala of Grade X were invited on the stage and asked to present copies of their books to Dr. Fatema Hassan and the other chief guests and renowned authors, along with rendition of some of their poems. The poets lauded the girls with appreciation and prayers.

Along with the recognition and honor BHS received, students learned a lot of new things including lots of new vocabulary, body language of the poets when they narrated a piece of their work, pronunciation and so much more. The kind of eagerness demonstrated by the students ignites the hope of witnessing a society where literature and its values are appreciated in the near future.

The poet Fazil Jamili asks the girls for a signed copy of their anthology
All smiles after attending their first Mushaira
Reveling in the beauty of Urdu Poetry


Back to physical schooling after a six month hiatus

15 th September 2020- a day which was awaited by the students of Grade IX
and X all over the country not because of a cricket match or release of new
Hollywood thriller, but the excitement and enthusiasm that punctuated the
wait was the coming back to school after a long vacation which started from
February 26 th , 2020 abruptly, because of the first registered case of the
Novel Corornavirus in Karachi, Pakistan. The epidemic changed everything
as it started spreading, from trade to travel, from teaching to learning, from
personal lives to professional lives.
The children, who usually sulk whenever asked to go to the school in the
morning, started missing the premises badly. However, remote teaching
and learning connected the students with students and teachers in an
effective way ensuring the smooth transition from the academic year 2019-
20 to 2020-21 virtually.
On one hand where online teaching and learning helped students to be
connected with the academia, it also accentuated values such as friendship,
mutual respect, thirst for knowledge and punctuality. This excitement was
covert on the 15 th of September, 2020, when students of Grade IX and X
came back to school wearing their radiant smiles and confident body
language. Teachers were also delighted to be in a physical classroom. The
contentment and satisfaction of being back in the school was enough for
every student and teacher to follow all the SOPs without fail.
All of this was a pleasure to observe, but a gesture that touched me the most
as a teacher made me write this blog post. A student of grade IX A,
Hussaina Tahir, came to me in the morning and asked permission to give
something to her friends. I allowed her pointing out the distance protocol to
be observed while I was physically present in the class too, to view this
Hussaina Tahir reached into her bag and drew out a shopper, from which
she took out wrapped gifts with notes of love and affection written on the
gift. She handed over the gifts to every girl in the class. Amused, the girls
started feeling what was inside the gift. The insides of the gift must be

interesting but, what appealed to me was how carefully, a small card was
placed on top of each gift, made with so much affection.
The tradition of giving gifts has always been encouraged by Syedna Aali
Qdar Muffaddal Saifuddin T.U.S in his preaching as well as practice. All
over the year, we, mumineen, keep receiving tokens of Barakat from Moula
T.U.S and may we be the recipients of such bounties till eternity.


Stay Home. Stay Safe. Don’t Stop Learning.

One day a wise man asked a teacher, “When do you feel the most excited and the most nervous at the same time” The teacher immediately responded, “In the months of March and April”. Puzzled, the wise man asked the reason. “A farmer is excited and nervous at the same time when he is about to harvest his crop, similarly, the teachers all around the world are excited and nervous during these months as these months signal the end of an academic year along with being the harbinger of another academic year”.

2020 will always be remembered as an exceptional year because of the outbreak of novel Corona Virus, closing doors to schools and offices and confining people to their homes. Social distancing has made “work from home” a common phrase. Teachers, known for their extra ordinary efforts and significant role in shaping the future of society are also on the forefront of battle against the virus. In such distressing times, they are fulfilling their prime responsibilities of teaching, learning and assessment using technology.

At BHS, teachers are taking online classes, giving and collecting assignments, appraising and correcting submitted works along with motivating pupils to read and write using multiple applications and software.

I am proud to say that I am also one of those magicians who are trying their best to equip the children with skills and knowledge that is required in the current scenario using this leisure time to hone and polish their hidden potentials. Every night, while going to bed, I think of ways to engage my students effectively and productively like my other colleagues.

On Monday, the 30th of March, 2020, Class VA & B were asked to note down ten questions that they would like to ask Corona Virus in person.  The students received a detailed message describing the unique experience they would be having. They were told that Mr. Corona virus will come online and they will get the opportunity to interview him. Students were also instructed to wear their masks and carry a bottle of sanitizer along with them during the class as the virus is highly contagious.

At 11:00 Am, the excited students logged in. The teacher greeted them. The class began by exploring different kinds of sentences emphasizing interrogative and assertive sentences as the students were about to ask questions from the virus. Later on, the teacher announced that the guest Mr. Corona virus is coming online so the students should wear their masks.

The conversation that took place between Mr. Corona virus and the students was eye opening as the students asked interesting questions such as “why are you so contagious”, “which age group is mostly your target?”, “do you also attack animals?” and “where were you born?” along with many others. Some students told the virus sternly to leave the world while some innocently chided it for invading Pakistan.  A girl valiantly wrote that she and her friends did not fear him because they are taking precautions”.

This unique idea of meeting the virus helped children learn the following things:

  • Abbreviations and acronyms
  • Contextual vocabulary
  • Questioning words and their use
  • Taking notes
  • Writing an interview

The children recorded the responses given by Mr. Corona virus in their notebooks. They are asked to write an interview. For the next class, they desire to meet a doctor who is fighting corona virus out there. As for us, we are looking for a doctor who can take a live session with our students. Please recommend someone highly energetic and enthusiastic as our students are excited to interview a doctor.


Badri presents at the 35th International SPELT Conference

“The personality of a teacher is more important than what he teaches”

If one wishes to meet a super hero in reality, one should look for a teacher as teachers not only burns the candle on both sides for sculpting the future of generations but also bears the responsibility of keeping herself abreast of the current educational practices. Teaching and learning are two sides of the same coin.

In order to learn and update one`s teaching self, a teacher seeks continuous professional development, which not only helps a teacher to improve his/her teaching methods, but also provides a platform to identify talents and skills. All over Pakistan, there are numerous organizations which are working to provide a professional forum to teachers of the country by training them and educating them.

One such prestigious organization is SPELT (Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers), a registered organization of English Language Teachers from schools, colleges and Universities. Formed in 1984, in Karachi, with a vision to improve the standard of English Language teaching nationally, conducts innumerable workshops and training sessions for teachers throughout the year, all over the country. Annually, SPELT also organizes an International Conference with an aim to provide a platform to teachers, teacher trainers, speakers and researchers from all over the world to gather and share their best practices with the society.

Months before the actual conference, candidates from all over the world send an abstract of the best practice, they wish to share, which undergoes a process of approval from renowned educationists such as Professor Zakia Sarwar, Ms. Fauzia Shamim, Sir Abbas Hussain, Ms Rehmat Ebrahim, Professor Fatima Shahbuddin and others.

This year, in the SPELT 35th International Conference, at Iqra University,  two teachers from Badri High School were invited to conduct workshops. Ms Zenab Mohammad, an English Language teacher who heads the Project Based Learning Department, Computer Assisted Language Learning Dept. and BIRD (a teacher`s training and professional development body) conducted a workshop on Creating future leaders through Project Based Learning in the contemporary educational society. Accompanying her was Ms Rashida Mohammad, an ECD certified teacher & trainer, design thinking expert & In-charge of the outdoor play area presented on Design thinking process in teaching.

This year, the conference was themed on “innovations in ELT (English Language Teaching)”.  Both the sessions exhibited the practices of Badri High School in ELT.



In the educational context, a teacher is also an action researcher too who questions each and every thing around her and seeks answers by investigating. This process does not only prove helpful to the teacher but it aids the teaching/learning process by benefitting the learners, ultimately leading to the collective upliftment of the educational society at large.

Treading onto the path of discovery and enlightenment, two teachers from Badri High School travelled to Islamabad to present their researches in front of educational community nationally and internationally.

The International Conference of Early Childhood Development was held at Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad on the 25th and 26th of September where two research scholars from Badri High School shared their researches and recommendations. The Conference hosted researchers from around the world for sharing their best research based practices with each other.

On the 25th of September, Ms Zenab Mohammad, Head of Computer Assisted Language Learning Department shared her research on the impact of computer assisted language learning on the teaching and learning of English as a second language  in the policy makers enclosure. The audience consisted of dignitaries such as Dr Carol Aubrey, research expert from San Fransisco, Ms Naheed Wasi, founder of IECED and wife of Senator Mr Taj Haider, Mr Jawed Iqbal, a renowned motivational speaker from Lahore and many other directors of organizations. The research focuses on the impact of using Literacy Planet for teaching English Language specifically in Early Years.

The next day, 26th of September, Ms Rashida Mohammad, the in-charge of the outdoor play activities at BHS, presented her research on the significance of outdoor classroom in early years in the EY practitioners’ enclosure where the audience was enthralled by the impact of outdoor activities on the holistic development of children in the pre-primary section of Badri High School. The distinguished audience in the room included Dr. Ghazala Rauf, Research supervisor of Allama Iqbal Open University, Ms Shafia Rafeeq, contemporary researcher and teacher`s trainer of the capital along with many others interested in the field.

The teachers were presented with certificates for presenting their researches at the end of the conference in a closing ceremony presided by the President of Pakistan, Dr Arif Alvi.

These research based teaching techniques are used in Badri High School for teaching learners. It ensures that the learning objectives are achieved and enabling environments are created. Hence, it proves that teachers are life-long learners.


Giving Back-An Evening at Kiran Foundation, Lyari

Busy roads overcrowded with wagons, rickshaws and a blur of motor bikes are a trademark of Lyari, one of the eighteen constituent towns of Karachi city. By area, it is the smallest town of Karachi but by population, it overpowers the others. It is home to the Baloch community which is found in majority along with many others.

Famed for being the football hotbed of Pakistan, it also houses famous wrestlers, body builders and boxers of the country. Many renowned names of the country from different fields are associated with this town such as Hussain Shah(the Olympic boxer), Umar Baloch (footballer), Waja Khair Mohammad Nadvi (Educationist), Sikander Baloch (former Mr. Pakistan), and Syed Sajjad Ali Shah (former Chief Justice of Pakistan).

However, this golden letter reputation has been stained by gang war, poverty and political influences within the town renaming it to be the town of the under privileged. Despite of the finest human resource, the unstable condition of the town has turned it into a red zone.

They say that virtue cannot be spotted without evil.

Lyari, being the red zone of Karachi, has colours associated with it. One such example is Kiran Foundation, which is a true example of commitment and social responsibility.

In a man-eat-man age, Sabina Khatri, the Chairperson of Kiran Foundaton, and her team came as a ray of light in Lyari. Kiran is not only responsible for the education and upbringing of the children associated with the school, but also enforces community mobilization by adopting families. Hence, each and every individual of the family is educated, trained, fed, supported and nurtured by Kiran Foundation.

John. F. Kennedy once said. “One person can make a difference and everyone should try doing that.” With the contribution of everyone, the world will be a better place to live undoubtedly.

BIRD (Badri`s Institute of Resource & Development) planted a seed too, in the garden of positivity planted by Kiran Foundation. Two trainers, Ms. Zenab Mohammad and Ms. Rashida Mohammad were invited to conduct a session for one of the many batches of Lyari mothers, who are also taught and trained by Kiran Foundation. This session on “21st century Parenting” was conducted for two hours on the 3rd of August, 2019 at Kiran Ghar, located in Nayabad, Liyari.

The session focused on 21 steps to positive parenting. Interaction with mothers uncovered many aspects of upbringing that are peculiar to the town. A unique approach was shared with the mothers which focused on actions and gestures that support tenderness + toughness. Prenatal child psychology was also discussed which made it clear that a parent should take up his/her responsibility and role as early as conception. Food modification was also brought under discussion along with communicative vehicles (verbal and non-verbal) for mothers. The session ended encouraging the audience to exhibit valuable actions such as showing affection, respect, and care along with praying for one`s own parents in front of the children so that they can imitate.

At the end of the session, the participants were enthusiastic about sharing the learnt with their spouses or friends which showed how intrinsically motivated the audience was.

Mujhe ajj samajh aya k meri beyti sabzi q nahin khaaty hai”, a 45 year old Sabira had confessed at the end, to which another mother from the audience replied, “toh kiya hua, sabzi ki shakal badal do, aram se kha legy”

Teaching is not teaching when it is confined to the boundaries of acquaintances. If it spreads out and reaches far and wide, teaching becomes sacred.

BIRD ensures Kiran Foundation its full support in any teaching/training related activity as we rise by lifting others.


Sports Teacher Wins at the National Level

Students learn more from what you are than what you teach.  As a teacher, it is our prime responsibility to reflect by action.

The teachers of Badri High School have always proved to be role models for their pupils, whether it is a Declamation Contest, a Robotics Competition or a Mathematics Challenge. Even in Sports, teachers of BHS have excelled at the National Level.

Ms. Mehwish, the sports instructor at BHS, has been lauded with a lot of appreciation due to her victory in the KCFL (Karachi Cage Fighting League), which is a Mixed Martial Arts National Championship. She represented Karachi in the Championship.

The fight took place in an Octagonal Cage which is installed specially for Cage fights. Both the fighters tried to knock each other down. Ms. Mehwish Sardar was able to overpower her opponent. The Pakistan Mixed Martial Arts Association awarded her a gold medal and the belt of honour which she proudly held in the morning assembly on Friday, the 5th of April`2019.

MMA is the abbreviated form of Mixed Martial Arts. It is a full contact-combat sport which uses techniques from various combat sports and martial arts. While sharing her victory with her students at BHS, Ms. Mehwish emphasized on the significance of Martial Arts as it teaches us a lot of things. She said, “Martial Arts not only teach you discipline, but in times of distress it helps you to be patient and grateful. Perseverance is the prime character trait of a fighter.”

Students aspire to be like their teachers. To all those students, Ms.Mehwish suggested, “You just have to be clear about your goal. Then, nothing can block your vision. Keep your eyes on the trophy. Whoever sweats more in practice, bleeds lesser in battle.”

Ms. Mehwish Sardar is an example of strength and a source of inspiration for the girls specially. She proved that being a female is not her weakness but her strength. She also showed us that a female can knock down an opponent in a cage fight as easily as she prepares food for the loved ones.


Middle School Spelling Bee at BHS

In order to promote a love for the learning of spellings, Badri High School regularly participates in the DAWN Spelling Bee Competition which is organized by the DAWN in Education. This year, too, we look forward to participating in it.

In addition to the National Spelling Bee Competition, students are encouraged to learn spellings in the classrooms and they are assessed for it. The teachers constantly try to make sure that learning a spelling is not a tedious task for students. One such attempt was the In-school Spelling Bee Competition, held on the Astroturf, on the 3rd of April`19. Classes VIA & B , VIIA & B and VIIIA & B competed in the contest.

A team of 3 students represented each class. The students prepared spellings from the novels being taught in that class currently. For Grade VI, the students prepared from “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, while Grade VII learnt spellings from Edith Nesbit`s “The Railway Children”. Class VIII mastered the spellings from “The Tales of Shakespeare”.

The program began at 9:50 AM when the teams assembled on the stage. The competition had 3 rounds. The participants were so excellently prepared that they spelt each word as soon as the pronouncer said it. The audience also enjoyed this productive event as their eagerness to spell the word loud was clear. The objective of this event was to revise spellings in a fun way, which was achieved thankfully.

Class VI A &VI B, both the teams were declared winners as they shared the same position on the score board. A tie breaker also could not give us a distinct winner. Class VII A and Class VIII B also shared the victory stand. The participants were lauded with praise from their fellows and certificates of participation from the school as well. On the other hand, the victors teams were presented with books.

The names of the Spellers are as follows:



Class VI A: Class VII A    Class VIII A


Insiyah Burhanuddin Munira Quaid Johar Munira Anjarwala
Insiyah Mustafa Maria Mushtaq Maria Sadiq
Ummul Baneen Zainab Fakhruddin Hawra Hussain


Class VI B: Class VII B Class VIIIB
Muffaddal Mohammad Al Aqmar Yusuf AbdeAli Shabbir
Juzer Muffaddal Mustafa Murtaza Abbas Fakhruddin
Udad Murtaza Ibrahim Quaid Johar Mustafa Zakir


Spellings are an integral part of learning English Language. If a child can spell a word properly, it is imperative that he reads well too. Spellings help in cementing the connection that is shared between sounds and letters, which is taught to a child when he or she is in kindergarten.

Surprisingly, students all over the world share a common dislike for the subject. One reason for this can be the auto spell correct feature in MS Word and Android phones, as it burgles the significance of learning a word. At some point, a student may get frustrated and asks out loud, “Why do I learn spellings?”

However, we all know that in a written text, punctuation errors often go unnoticed but if the spelling is poor, the writing suffers. Not only is the ability to spell necessary in a student`s academic grounds but is also evidently needed when one enters his/her professional life.


Diamond Jubilee Sports Fest 2019 Helps Athletes Shine

It was a breezy morning on Friday, the 11th of January, 2019. Khaimat-ur-Riazat stood picturesque amongst the hustle and bustle of Badrians entering the ground with the warmth of enthusiasm and fervor of motivation. The radiant smiles on their faces conveyed their anticipation of a thrilled and elated Sports Fest. Representatives of Blue, Green, Yellow and Red houses settled down in the audience camp as directed by the House Captains waiting impatiently for the Diamond Jubilee Sports Fest 2019 to commence. The canvas of BHS emerged as kaleidoscopic.

This year, the Sports Fest was themed around a diamond as we celebrated the 75th Milaad Mubarak of Syedna Aali Qadr Muffaddal Saifuddin T.U.S.

The day began with the recitation of verses from Al Quran by Hussain Shk Huzaifa Motiwala, a student of Class X, followed by Marasi of Imam Hussain A.S. rendered by BHS Zakireen. The air then filled with mellow and honeyed voices of BHS Zakireen when they rendered a Madeh, commemorating the breeze of Rabee. The Wazifat-us-Shukar and National Anthem were recited, after which our Chief Guest, Janab Naeem BhaiSaheb, declared the games open. Janab Juzer BhaiSaheb Amil Saheb of Karachi and Janab Shabbir BhaiSaheb Imadi also graced the occasion with their valuable presence as Chief guests.

It was a splendid spectacle watching the Head Boy, Adnan Zahid, taking oath along with the four house captains, after which the games started. The game opener was the PT Display of the Pre Primary Section, where the tiny glittering diamonds shone with brilliant focus and concentration. It was a fantastic sight watching little Badrians swaying their colourful pompoms in air. The children demonstrated commendable discipline as they had been practicing for two months in the morning assembly.

The Students of Primary Section also astounded the audience with the formation of flowers as a Tehniyat for the Diamond Jubilee Milad. Following this, students of Classes IV and V performed a drill which was concluded as the formation of BHS, which left the audience flabbergasted.

Races of Pre Primary Section started as soon as the drill and the formation ended. The little children jolted the audience with their verve and determination to finish the task and reach the finish line. Primary races were the next. The races were chosen so as to test the students on a variety of skills. Races such as the obstacle race and the blockage race tested the runners on their team playing skills and co-operation while as sprints evaluated the runners` speed and agility. Balancing race and body bridge formation were also a visual treat.

Secondary races started with the shuttle race which was meant to check the team work of the runners along with their agility and speed, which was followed by the stack race, the jumping leap and the all famous wheel barrow race. The commentators Fatima Najmuddin, Zahra Aun Ali, and Zahabya Najmi, belonging to Class X, kept motivating the participants and updating the audience about the happenings of the field. The runners of the Secondary Section ran in a 100 M sprint race. Tug of war was the final event in which four houses competed. The final round was played between Red house and Green house. The Red house defended the house cup this year too as they won by 169 points while Blue was declared to be the runner up with a difference of just one point. They stood on 168. The Diamond Jubilee Sports Fest 2019 ended amongst the cheers of victory. May this spirit of sportsmanship and healthy competition prevail for ages and ages under the luminous leadership of Syedna Aali Qadar Muffaddal Saifuddin T.U.S. Ameen


Winter Learning Festival

Winters are reminiscent of warm socks, hot cocoa, roasted peanuts, steaming coffee and many such things. If one is a student, winters prove to be a harbinger of fun-filled holidays. On the contrary, winter breaks are supposed to be a period of rejuvenation and restoration of passion and teaching energy for smart teachers.


Winter is also a reminder of flocks of migratory birds flying high above in the sky. Birds are known for their long migratory journeys taken in the winter season in search of better food and shelter. The prime reason to migrate is survival. The same way, keen teachers also migrate towards places where opportunities of professional development are available.


Keeping those astute teachers in mind, BIRD (Badri Institute of Resource & Development) resolved to lead the migration pack this winter break to Badri High School where Winter Learning Festival was being held. It commenced on 24th of December 2018 and lasted till 29th of December 2018.

The trainings and workshops offered were:



Date/Timing Beneficial for Facilitator

Bloom the Classroom(Lesson Planning for today`s Classroom)


3:00-5:30 PM

Teachers of all subjects and levels

Ms. Zenab Mohammad

Teaching Writing


3:00-5:30 PM

English Language lovers/English teachers/all levels

Ms. Maryum Sadriwala

Design to develop



Pre Primary and Primary teachers/Parents Ms. Rashida Mohammad
Teachers as leaders 26-12-18


Teachers of all levels Ms. Rashida Adnan
Teaching Urdu poetry effectively 27-12-18


Urdu teachers of all levels/ Urdu Language Lovers

Ms. Tasneem Mohsin

Professional Grooming and its need 29-12-18


All Professionals/ Aspiring teachers

Ms. Arwa Raja

& Ms Ume Hani Siraj

Activity based Science Teaching 29-12-18


Science teachers of all levels/ Parents/Students of Science

Ms. Fatima Gain


The variety of workshops and professional development sessions were attended by a number of teachers from different schools and institutions such as Pathways British School, The Academy, The Noori Educators, Eureka, Lilies School and many others including the teachers of Badri High School. The attendants were filled with brand new vigor and energy by the end of the festival. A Head teacher from Noori Educators, Ms. Rukhsar Nizam commended the efforts of the facilitators and said, “These workshops and training sessions are vital for every teacher to attend as it truly restores in us the passion with which we started teaching.”  Her colleague, Sadaf added, “I have attended many workshops but all of them e wercostly. These workshops were very reasonable for the pocket of a teacher, and that too certified. Surely, this is a plus.”

BIRD intends to facilitate students, parents and teachers by arming them with the skill set required in the 21st century as we believe that every teacher needs to improve not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.


A day to explore our Sindhi origin

The world is a book and those who do not travel read only page.

Travelling and exploration is considered the most significant forms of self-education. In the olden days, the wisdom of a person was gauged by the number of places visited by him. Even for the sake of acquiring formal education, people of earlier times believed travelling to be a good omen.

In this century of technology and innovation, where, the places one wishes to visit can visit you, Badri High School believes educational excursions and trips to different places of historical and cultural significance as an inseparable part of teaching and learning.

One such extra ordinary signature trip of BHS is a trip to interior Sindh. This trip serves to be a window of experiential learning for the students of Grade IX as Sindhi language is one of the compulsory subjects. The content of Sindhi and English, in this particular grade, as per the Secondary Board of Education curriculum, highlights Sindh as a center of cultural heritage and ancestral values.

On 29th September, 24 students of Grade IX offered morning prayers at Husami Masjid, where a bus waited for them. The air was filled with enthusiastic chatter when the students boarded the bus. Ajrak was draped around the shoulders of many as a symbol of their zest and zeal. Cries of Allah O Akbar and Long live Syedna Muffaddal Saifuddin filled the air as the bus left with the young explorers. Recitation of verses from the Holy Quran along with Ya Syeda and Fulkul Hussain provided the globetrotters with the barakat needed.

The first stop was Dhamthal where hot, delectable halwa puri waited for the students. After having the much-needed breakfast, the bus headed off to BhitShah. On the way to Bhit Shah, students visited the once small village, Hala Haveli, where the famous Sindhi Saint Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai was born to Syed Habib Shah. Now, it is a developing city of Sindh, which is also known to be the center of handicrafts and the famous gulkaari of the province. Students were taken to a pottery cottage industry where they saw how pots were made out of clay and how gulkaari was done. The students were mesmerized by the whole process.

Still fascinated by the flowered pots and pans of clay, the students were taken to the famous Hala bazaar where the eager bunch of buyers rushed to the shops selling ajraks, khaddar suits, pottery, sindhi topi, and handicrafts. The experience of shopping in the native language was a challenging task. The purpose of language as a communication tool was highlighted.

The next stop was the shrine of the famous saint of Sindh, Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai, who was known for his services for bringing the non-Muslims to the fold of Islam. As the Urs of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai is in Safar, the shrine was packed with disciples and devotees, paying their respect to the Saint of Sindh. The students offered Zuhr prayers in the masjid in the vicinity of the shrine. A bunch of devotees were reciting the kalam from Shah Jo Risalo, written by the pious saint, on the melodious notes of tambooro, a musical instrument invented by Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai himself. The emanation of the shrine at the time of rendition displayed respect and love for each other, which was the message of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai.

A museum at Bhit Shah was visited by the students which had dioramas of Sindhi folk tales on display. It was a visual treat to see famous folklores such as Sassi punnu, Meer Mohaari, Marai and many more come alive.

By this time, the morning breakfast and the snacks provided in the bus had been digested. So the expedition group sat down to have their lunch in a local hotel on the highway where they sat on manjis like people in Sindh.

The next stop was the Sindh University, Jamshoro, where lies Ms. Elsa Kazi, the poetess of the Neem Tree and the German wife of Allam I.I. Qazi. The group boarded the bus cheerily and was greeted by a heavy downpour on the way to Jamshoro. The kotri barrage was a visual treat in thick, driving rain. The rain and the bus both stopped outside the Institute of Sindhology, the first Sindhi language based research department, operating at the University of Sindh, Jamshoro. The students went off on to the grave of the poetess. There were cries of amazement when the students saw that the grave is actually surrounded with lots of Neem Trees.

Could man be as bold as thou and rise,

Above the earth with the sheltering arm,

To save the protected ones from harm,

From sorrows, poverty and vice,

Through sacrifice!

The quiet surroundings were echoing with the message of love and affection for one`s brethren.

The students visited the grave of Allama I.I. Qazi, the vice chancellor of the University and husband of the poetess as well. The students boarded the bus once again to retreat to the city of lights with lots of memories and experiences that only travelling can teach. With tired feet and puffy eyes, the group reached home at 9:30 PM after a day well spent.


Project Based Learning Training at Badri High School

Project Based Learning Training at Badri High School

Teaching is a profession that creates all the other professions in the world. It bears the responsibility of producing useful and propitious citizens for the society. For the attainment of the mentioned goal, teachers gear themselves up by refining content and skills professionally. They enroll themselves in various trainings and workshops, so that they nurture the future of the nation in a desirable way.

In this century of change, Badri High School has been playing a pacesetting role in numerous fields. It has outstretched its horizons of innovations from Robotics and Mind Math to Teacher Training. Recently, three Project Based Learning Teachers were invited by PELICS, an institute in Mardan, Khyber Pakhtun Khuwa, where the struggle of BHS was greatly celebrated by media coverage.

In addition to this, Badri High School arranged a training workshop of 12 hours, divided in four consecutive days. The Project Based Learning training commenced on the 9th of July and concluded on the 12th of July` 2018. Eleven teachers from reputable schools and Institutions, such as The Academy, Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, Bahria Foundation, enrolled themselves in the training program.

The core objectives of the training were to make the teachers aware about the differences between Projects and Project Based Learning. The activities were devised in such a way that lesson planning, which is an integral part of any pedagogy, was taught and practiced thoroughly. The trainer, Ms Zenab Mohammad, who also leads the Project Based Learning Department, at BHS, also shared the concept of Design thinking and its effectiveness in the academic context.

The participants seemed very intent on implementing the pedagogy. Mulla Huzefa Bhai, a teacher from Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, mentioned that it was a remarkable experience. He also added that it would be more satisfying once he succeeds in implementing whatever he discovered. Another change maker from Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, Sh. Abizer Bhai, described the training as a beneficial interaction within the teaching community. He mentioned that trainings like this help one in development of self as a teacher and building confidence. One more participant, Amna Shabbir, an early years` teacher at The Academy expressed her desire to implement this out of the box training as soon as possible.

Throughout the training, the participants were engaged in numerous healthy discussions, the results of which will soon be witnessed by their schools or institutes Inshallah, because learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.


Project Based Learning Training at PELICS, Mardan, K.P.K

Teacher education is more significant today than it has been in half a century. Education policy and practices are being radically transformed all over the world to meet the professional needs of the teaching community. In this happening world of today, Badri High School has been the pioneer amongst the community schools, bearing the torch of  Project Based Learning as the prime pedagogy in the school under the care of trained Project Based Learning teachers. The learners have gained a lot of benefits from the practical methodology since then.


As teachers, we follow the Blooms Taxonomy for preparing objectives of our lessons to be delivered. The Taxonomy starts with the level knowledge, gradually moving up to creation as the last level. This Taxonomy is not just restricted to delivering lessons. An evidence of the upgradation of the levels of taxonomy is visible in the journey of the PBL (Project Based Learning) Team of BHS who recently visited Mardan to train the teachers of a reputable and renowned Language Institute, PELICS.


The training was highly focused on the provision of higher order thinking and critical thinking skills` development in the classroom. Duration of the training was 12 hours divided in four days. It commenced on the 26th of June, 2018 and concluded on the 29th of June, 2018. The trainers, Ms. Zenab Mohammad, Ms. Rashida Mohammad, and Mr. Ibrahim Shabbir were awarded certificates for conducting the training along with the trainees, who received certificates of participation. The entire training received media coverage as reporters from different newspapers kept visiting PELICS.


Mr. Riaz Hussain, the Chief News Reporter of VoA (Voice of America) at Mardan, was amazed to know the endeavours of Badri High School in imparting quality education to its students as well as provision of opportunities for the professional grooming of teachers, in a formal meeting with Ms. Zenab Mohammad , the In-charge of the Project Based Learning Department at BHS.

The CEO PELICS, Mr. Fazal Qasim along with the trainees and the news reporters were grateful to PBL team of BHS for helping them grasp and practice the potent pedagogy. They also added that BHS has brought this pedagogy to K.P.K where they were completely unaware about its existence. This is an evidence of the fact that we rise by lifting others.





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