A Big Thank You to FMB this World Food Day 2023

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The students of Badri High School appreciated the Khidmat Guzaars of Faiz ul Mawaid ul Burhaniyah in Al Mohalatul Burhaniyah on the occasion of World Food Day by making hand written Thank You cards.

The students visited the FMB kitchen and saw how 30 ladies from varied age groups make 6000 rotis daily to be sent in the households in the mohalla. The boys also appreciated those who perform khidmat of filling and distributing the thaali which is a tedious job that is done every day with discipline and dedication.

Faiz ul Mawaid ul Burhaniyah was the realization of the dream of Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA who wished that no believer should go to bed hungry.

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