The junior team of Badri High School have qualified for the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) finals which will be held in Germany in November 2022, after a rigorous regional and national contest held on Sunday 11th September 2022.
Congratulations to Hamza Sh Huzaifa Haidermoata, Khuzema Sh Taizoon Haidry and Haider Yousuf of the winning teams, their parents and trainers!
Mentored by the Robotics Coordinator Ms Rashida Adnan and trained by a team from Technobots53 the 9 students comprising the 3 teams performed exceptionally well.
BHS is flourishing under the able chairmanship of Janab Naeem Bhaisaheb in both spiritual and secular education.
The entire community wishes both teams all the best. May the trophy be ours!