
Kidsprenuer- Fostering Entrepreneurship

As the Midterm Exams at Badri High School came to an end, the senior students of class 9-10 had something exciting to anticipate. They were in school bright and early on Thursday 30th December 2021 for the Kidsprenuer session arranged in collaboration with Tijarat Rabeha.

The students collected in the Hifz ul Quran room and after Tilawat u Dua, Janab Sh Taha bhai Shakir from Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, Karachi, briefed the young students about why our Mawali Kiraam AS always urge us to be business minded and why entrepreneurship is a skill that must be inculcated in the students from a young age. 

This was the beginning of a three-day workshop conducted by the head of Tijarat Rabeha, Karachi, Janab Sh Taizoon bhai Haidery, who is a Faqih ul Jayid from Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, an MBA and an internationally recognized trainer.  It was a refreshing experience for the students of Class 9-10 as they learnt about the 10 competencies of entrepreneurship.

Through activities and an interactive series of challenges they were made to realize the importance of team work. They enjoyed come up with riveting business ideas and effectively pitch them. They also learnt to help other teams improve their business plans which was very heartening to see.

An initiative like this for the youth by Tijarat Rabeha is a much-needed step in the right direction to gear and guide them to become future entrepreneurs and contribute to the economy of their community and country..





It is never late to earn a degree as learning has no age limit. All age groups are welcome for the act of learning.

The first place where a child starts learning is home. In the early age, children spend most of their time with parents and learn from them. As parents, we need to give our children the best childhood experience as that is the foundation on which their future will stand. Involving parents in the learning experience is also important due as learning does not start and end with the school hours; it is an ongoing process in a student’s life.

In Badri High School teachers and parents are working as a team for the holistic development and successful academic achievement of our children.

With the reopening of schools after the Covid pandemic, we have planned a series of workshops for parents of Montessori to help them gain better understanding of the developments in the early years and the problems that most parents face and recommended solutions.

The first session was held in the Hifz Room on topic “Healthy Kids Healthy Brains”. Ms. Rashida Mohammad talked about the importance of routine and its effects on the child’s growth and development. Miss Lubna Imran from the Abbot company talked about food and nutrition in the early years. She consolidated Ms. Rashida’s talk by emphasizing on the benefits of proper meal and sleep timings and the problems encountered when a proper meal and sleep routine is not followed. She shared information about the food groups and what should be included in a child’s diet and in what proportion.

We shared a very special healthy snacks recipe booklet with parents. What makes it special is the fact that they were all tried and true recipes shared by our parents which we collected through a google form. It was then painstakingly edited and compiled by Miss Fatema Feroz and Miss Fatema Mufaddal into a beautiful booklet.

The Hifz room was jam-packed with parents who participated enthusiastically. It was heartening to see so many parents take out precious time to attend the session. It gives us the boost we need to organize more sessions for parents. Our parents are lifelong learners!


Funfelt builder heightens STEAM Fever at BHS

‘Necessity is the mother of all invention.’ For a teacher, this is not just a proverb but a life line. As teachers, we need to constantly adapt to new ideas and at times this means that we need to constantly search for things that meet changing requirements.

In the time of the pandemic when we were locked in our homes, we needed to learn new things to keep our classes interesting. That is when I heard about Lego Six Bricks Training. I got enrolled in one of the trainings by Binal Kinder. As I progressed through the course modules, I realized that the Six Bricks training aligned perfectly with my own philosophy, “Teach Smart with Fun”.

The Six Bricks training helped me learn to use both sides of my brain effectively, improve my listening and memorization skill which was getting little weak. The idea of 4 C’s “Connect => Construct => Contemplate => Continue” showed me the way from problems to solutions. So I planned and prepared to introduce it to my students when school reopened.

It was not easy to arrange for the Lego Six Bricks in Karachi, Pakistan. So, while we waited for our shipment to arrive all the way from Dubai, we started using the Funfelt Builder instead. It is an educational product developed by a local company, Toolkit4earlyyears. The kit contains 105 pieces of felt strip and shapes in rainbow colours, with button and button-holes. 

With my rigorous Six Bricks training, I was able to apply the four C’s in my STEAM class using a totally different material-the Funfelt Builder- and the results were remarkable. The students were enthralled by colourful felt pieces and they found the buttoning activity “soothing”.  I realized I had found the perfect kit that can engage the kids in STEAM throughout the year!

Here I list the pros and cons of the Funfelt Builder in comparison to Six Bricks: 

Fun felt BuilderLego Six Bricks

Attractive Rainbow colours105 Pieces containing Stripes with buttons and shapes.Felt pieces are easy to manipulate (bend, fold)Doesn’t occupy much spaceEasily availableCan DIYAffordable for all

Attractive six coloursSix Pieces of 4 * 2 brickDurable3D construction possible.Doesn’t occupy space

Buttons may become loose with repeated useConfined to 2D construction

Not readily available.ExpensivePieces cannot be manipulated (bent or folded)
Language such as describing in rich detail, giving clear instructions, explaining your reasons, and telling stories, which help you to communicate with others and express your ideas.Problem solving including to stay focused, and remember a task or a challenge, set goals and make plans, come up with creative ideas, and reflect on what you do and how you do it.Collaboration as in working together in pairs or teams, share turns and the materials you work with, learn from your peers and their ideas, and give each other roles and responsibilities
Language such as describing in rich detail, giving clear instructions, explaining your reasons, and telling stories, which help you to communicate with others and express your ideas.Problem solving including to stay focused, and remember a task or a challenge, set goals and make plans, come up with creative ideas, and reflect on what you do and how you do it.Collaboration as in working together in pairs or teams, share turns and the materials you work with, learn from your peers and their ideas, and give each other roles and responsibilities

What’s really great is the company is willing to train teachers and parents who wish to get the most out of their kit. They share ready-made plans and are with you every step of the way. 

I feel I have found a perfect solution to my STEAM dilemma. Are you ready to try it. 


The Power to Debate

What do you think?
Should smart phones be banned in the age bracket 1 – 18 years? Yes or No?
Why do you think so?
Who will agree with you?
Why will someone get convinced?
How will you prove your points?
What concrete sources will give you proof and evidence to have a healthy argument?
How will you manage your time in the most effective manner to convey your claim?
Taking care of manners and etiquette of speech, how will you convince your opponent that he or she
has lesser valid points than yours to win the debate?
Respecting your opponents opinion and then putting yours… Truly! Debate is an art of speech and
articulation with research and evidence. “Freedom is hammered out on the anvil of discussion, dissent,
and debate.”
We saw advocates in Class 7 of BHS when they nailed-it with their debate with their fellow classmates
team. Both the teams were extraordinary and their declamation and vocalization rocked the forum.
Since a couple of weeks they were studying Media Presentation Techniques and now it was time to
show case it. When the sun of 29th October 2021 rose, the students of Class 7 shone reflecting the
sunlight. They were as bright as light. Under the captaincy of their classmates Hamza Sh. Huzefa and
Khozema Sh. Taizoon, 30 classmates were off to the battle field with the power of preparation and
With smartness, confidence, motivation, vocalization, research work and leadership skills they proved
their points. Khuzema Sh. Taizoon’s team emerged victorious as they were able to prove that banning
smart phones is not the answer.
The teams were honoured by certificates of victory and appreciated for their immense participation.
We, thank their parents, too for all the support they provide to our teacher to groom their children and
co-operate with our children with love and respect. Each child is a winner and may victory follow them.


Preparing the Youth for the World

A team of representatives from INJAZ Pakistan visited Badri High School on 28th October 2021 to give 90 minute sessions to students of class 8 on SCRATCH Programming. INJAZ Pakistan (founded 2012) is an initiative and part of JA (Junior Achievement) Worldwide & also a member of INJAZ al-Arab, a network of 14 MENA (Middle East & North Africa) nations with a common mission of preparing and inspiring the youth to succeed in the global economy.

The SCRATCH program is a graphical programming language, developed by the Lifelong Kindergarten group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. SCRATCH is used in many schools around the world as part of the curriculum. Free to use, the tool is beneficial in allowing children to learn coding concepts and create interactive projects. Besides the fact that coding, is a skill set that students could use for a future career in a world that has a shortage of skilled coders and programmers, coding can help students in their other subjects too—it can help improve soft skills like perseverance & problem-solving that we educators emphasize. Coding is especially beneficial to students who are struggling with reading and math. In addition, students often feel empowered when they can create digital media and share it with others instead of just being consumers of digital media.

INJAZ partners with local as well as the international business community, corporate volunteers and educators to inspire and prepare young people to take on the challenges of the fast-changing world to be able to contribute to the global economy. The session was very engaging and the facilitators were very impressed with the enthusiasm and queries of the young coders.


Teacher`s Appreciation Month

It is evident that all doctors, engineers, scientists, techies, businessmen, politicians and many others who run the infrastructure of this fast moving and rapidly changing world, are able to do what they do best, because of teachers. A saintly and noble profession like teaching is the creator of all other money making, fame generating and highly loved jobs in the world. It would not be wrong to predict that if we do not have any teachers, we will never have the right manpower to run the global engine.

Not just this, but all other humanitarian actions also take place because back in childhood, or in early adulthood, there was a teacher who taught how to become a productive member of the society. Such an important part of our society are teachers. Their influences cannot be erased.

In order to pay a tribute to the services offered by the teachers, the world marks October as International Teacher`s Appreciation Month. Many students make cards, write letters and give presents to their teachers as a token of their love and respect. Educational Institutions also make sure that the services of these agents of change are rewarded and they feel appreciated, which, in return, boosts the morale of the teacher. For this reason, many researchers in the world have considered timely and worthy appreciation of a teacher`s services as the best stimulator of their intrinsic motivation.

This year, Badri High School decided to take the teachers, far from the hustle and bustle of the city of lights to a dinner on the Hawks Bay Beach. Dua Restaurant was indeed a scenic venue to the Teacher`s Appreciation Ceremony, which consisted of awarding certification to teachers, keeping in mind their unique strengths. Teachers chatted, took pictures on the beach under the night sky, played a lot of refreshing games and watched the iconic win of Pakistan over Afghanistan.

Coming back to the school on Monday, each of them was refreshed and happy to give their best. We recommend all institutions for such much needed outings and a uniquely crafted appreciation, which is deserved by teachers.


Eliminating Hunger- Our Collective Goal

Education is synonymous with crafting solutions to problems we see around us. At Badri High School, we teach the students to play their part in resolving world issues, albeit at a micro level. After all, every individual has the power to make a difference. With this intention and in light of Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s TUS intention to eliminate hunger, to commemorate World Food Day activities the students of class 10 at Badri High School collected non-perishable food items like wheat, sugar, tea, Tetrapak milk and biscuits from their younger peers belonging to class 5-9. They packaged these items in week-wise ration packs to distribute among the people at Anmol Zindagi shelter, North Nazimabad. This was part of the list of programs received by the Taleem office.

The girls of Grade 9-10 made home-cooked breakfast boxes with sandwiches and coupled it with a fruit which were then distributed by a team of boys from class 9-10 who visited the Anmol Zindagi shelter and gifted the rations and fresh breakfast to the homeless people on Thursday, 21st Oct 2021.

They spent time with Ms. Shagufta, the person incharge at the shelter, who was grateful for their generosity and for their sensitivity towards the hapless of the society.  

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