
The New Academic Year 2020-21 Takes off Online

The lockdown has hit all of us hard and left us reeling. The education sector has been hit the hardest—schools were the first to close down and will be the last to open. Young learners stayed at home– away from their routine of attending school, deprived of learning in a conducive environment, craving to meet their peers and teachers.

As schools closed down in February 2020, Badri High School was one of the first schools to ensure that learning remained unabated as they launched themselves online with Zoom classes and assignments on Whatsapp.

BHS prepared results on the basis of the three Monthly tests and Midterm assessments and promoted the children. Those who were struggling were given online remedial classes which helped them enjoy individual attention in the presence of the parents. The results were astounding—the parent-teacher-child triangle connected beautifully and these young learners began to strengthen their basic concepts.

The months of April and May were spent in online meetings of the staff and core team at BHS to make an informed decision about which software to use to make the digital learning experience as fruitful for the students as possible. After research, experience and multiple trainings, MS Teams was selected as the perfect option to conduct classes, give assessments and assignments to be able to gauge the learning outcomes.

On 1st June 2020 classes for class 7, 8 and 9 began and the students were exhilarated to wear their uniforms again and see their peers and teachers online. The sigh of relief from the parents was audible as they saw their little ones do something productive. From 3rd June, Grade 10 joined the digital native team and from 4th June classes 5-6 were also online. Friday 5th June 2020 marked the day the orientation classes were conducted by the Preprimary and Primary section making the entire BHS learning system come alive on MS Teams.

No matter how long the schools may remain closed, we are ready to take every step possible to ensure that the students of BHS continue to relish the process of learning and imbibing knowledge every single day.

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