The TDF MagnifiScience Travels Programme brought their display of 15 mega projects for three consecutive days from 7th to 9th December, 2019 to promote tacit knowledge amongst learners and their parents at BHS premises. Not only were the mornings spent in learning but the exhibit was kept open for two evenings where mothers came with their young ones and learnt scientific concepts through games and activities.
Tactile learning and touch is essential for a child’s growth in physical abilities, cognitive and language skills, and even social and emotional development.
In contrast to explicit knowledge, which helps us ‘know what’, tacit knowledge can be understood as ‘know how’. Tacit knowledge is acquired by addressing real problems and practice, it relates to experience, ideals, intuition, values, creative thinking, skills and attitudes.
The institute of BHS reckons in creating an aura that invites experts providing a practical learning environment to prepare learners for their future, and an affiliation with TDF MagnifiScience Travels Programme is one such live example.
With the objective to encourage science literacy in society, The Dawood Foundation (TDF) organizes science exhibitions. The exhibition provides a learning space to explore the world of science through exhibits, experiments and expositions.
Their life-size display of 15 projects at BHS premises included:
- Jenga
- Soma Cube Puzzle
- Earthquake Table
- Musical Wall
- Gravity Run
- Newton’s Cradle
- Face Swap
- Tower of Lone
- Train Table
- Conecting Pathways
- Scrabble
- Shape Sorter
- Snakes and Ladders
- Pest Wall
- Building a Bridge
Badri High School strives hard to adopt the PBL (Project Based Learning) model to help create healthy relationships and interactions between teachers, students, parents and organizations by knitting them on the same page to refine our community’s strength.
Indeed, one more feather on BHS cap to execute a plan that can make its associates learn but with fun.