
Orientation 2019-20-“A Special Sweetness in Creation”

When it comes to celebration, there are no two thoughts that we crave for our favorite sweet, candies or chocolates to tantalize our taste buds and entice our imagination with harmonious symphonies of effective approaches. This has proved to be ideal for communicating well with our cognitive skills and in turn, helps us control taxing conditions.

Adhering to the fact, on Saturday, 13th of July  2019, the morning sun was charmed to see our partners in progress-the parents-buzzing up the three floors of BHS of pre-primary, primary and secondary sections to meet the respective class teachers of their children for the first orientation meet of the Academic year 2019-20. They sat to discuss the dogmas and policies of the new year that promised nothing but astoundingly creative endeavors for the learners in multiple project-based implementations.

Screening an orientation at the beginning of the year rejuvenated parents with hope towards an enlightened future and allowed them to survey and experience the working of the school’s systems.

‘There is great sweetness in participating in creation.’ Hallmarking the literal saying of the above quote, BHS successfully pitched parents with the idea of knitting together with commitment of understanding, respect and hard-work through sweet participation throughout the year as it will aid to create a better life for our children—whose progress is our ultimate goal.

Complementing our theme, each classroom capsuled parents with sweet diagnostics of the curriculum to be followed, leading them to envision their child’s bright sugary future. Interactive sessions in each class with a specific objective for each activity helped parents comprehend the scheme better.

During the orientation the class teachers addressed the parents and even answered individual queries and took in suggestions and concerns. It was an opportunity for the parent and teacher to meet one-on-one and discuss the most pertinent issue before them—that of their children’s personal and academic progress.

Pinning further, inquisitive eyes gazed in admiration as the aisles of the three floors showcased the practical demonstrations of Butterfly Edufields Science Kits, STEM education and tablets showcasing Literacy Planet. Witnessing it in action mesmerized parents to a point that they realized that it has become a signature trademark of BHS to produce exciting, challenging and practical stimulated programs to revolutionize 21st century style teaching methodologies.

As at BHS, we reckon that it takes plethora of little efforts to extract the sweetness within each child in a way that he could reflect it back to the community.

Beating the heat with fresh, chilled lemonade and with a secured promise of growth, BHS would like to offer their earnest gratitude towards parents who tuned in for the meet.

As at the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive and sweet involvement of parents.


The First Week in Pre-Primary

The new academic year 2019-20 is a year of new beginnings in the Pre-Primary Section. With expansion in the infra-structure, renovation in the interior decor, the introduction of exciting co-curricular activities, a strong team and a new batch of little children as unique and inimitable as they always are, the BHS Pre-Primary is all set on the high road to success.

The New Playgroup: An Enabling Environment

An enabling environment acts as the ‘Third Teacher’ for the child and enables them to create, build develop and reinforce their learning in an environment which is pleasing, invigorating, comforting and safe. It provides children with opportunities to learn individually and socially even when there is no explicit teaching. The Activity room fulfils this need for the students of the Pre-Primary Section. The two and a half years old children of Playgroup want a play experience that would cater to their needs exclusively, and this was achieved by bringing it into the Playgroup classroom. This classroom will incorporate an outdoor area as well where children will be able to experience a wholesome outdoor experience.

A second room for Playgroup B is under construction. We look forward to welcoming a new batch of students as soon as it is complete.

Robotics in Seniors

The Seniors will have a one-hour Robotics session every week in which they will work with Lego WeDo 2.0 to construct and program their minibots. Their first project is construction of a fan and programming it to rotate at different settings. Our little stemmers are excited! And so are we!
The Team Triangle

The orientation on Saturday served as a platform for parents and teachers to get to know each other and share and discuss important aspects of their child’s respective grade in the year that lies ahead. With a strong team triangle of passionate parents, dedicated teachers and the most amazing children, we anticipate great feats from little hands.

The Year Ahead

The first week of school began with brand new belongings and books, some screams and sobs, meeting old friends and getting to know new teachers and peers in a new room. As the first week comes to an end, the rest of the term now begins with well-settled children who are ready to play and learn and laugh and make strong connections of learning in their minds and unbreakable bonds of friendship in their hearts.


All Set for Literacy Planet!

What better idea than fashioning a PLANET for learners that is fused with technology, core competencies of the English Language and creativity at the same time.

Badri High School feels proud to become the pioneers of launching Literacy Planet in Pakistan for the first time ever. 
Helping learners develop
Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical Analytical Thinking through Computer Assisted Language based Learning (CALL) is a mega-project that has been accomplished in the Academic year 2019-2020 by the blessings and benedictions of His Holiness Dr. Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS.

After constantly striving hard for months, BHS inaugurated its first live class in literacy planet that is equipped with high-tech tablets in a well-designed Digital room which facilitate to a pair of students.

The program is an Australia-based, comprehensive and engaging online program to develop English literacy skills which the BHS team discovered at GESS Dubai two years ago. Discussions ensued and finally things were finalized to launch it in the year 2019-20.

Literacy Planet comes equipped with a benefit of thousands of comprehensive and grammatical exercises/games for learners to take advantage from. The environment of the application is highly engaging as it is illustrated and colourful. The exercises provided by the application are curriculum aligned (exclusive of Pakistan National Curriculum) and are suitable for learners of all abilities and intelligences (ref. to Howard Gardner`s theory of Multiple Intelligences).

Amidst the excitement, it was an eye freshener to see the high-maintenance of discipline amongst the students while working in the Digital room, the development of ownership skills, the level of their confidence, the involvement to score better in four skills of language learning in order to win the credits, assimilated in promoting 21st century learning that is solely focused on active teaching approaches.


For it is in Giving that we Receive!

In a world where complaints, grudges and animosity strikes faster than lightning itself; we at Badri High School ticked off the ice breaking activities of the year with the understanding of ‘Power of Appreciation’.

William James, well-known psychologist and philosopher, said, ‘The deepest principle of human nature is a craving to be appreciated.’  If we are honest with ourselves, we all want and need to feel valued for who we are and recognized for our contributions and accomplishments. It’s important for us to know that we have made a difference in someone’s life.

It helps people effectively deal with adversity and stay positive in the midst of change and challenges. When you genuinely appreciate someone, you make him believe in his potential and help him perform at his best.

Adhering with this strategy, students of grade 8 were asked to inaugurate their Academic year with the idea behind the power of appreciation.

Plethora of ideas bubbled amidst students as they started appreciating their peers. The glint in the eyes, the fresh smiles, and their body language foreshowed nothing but a true positive environment where learners acknowledged the idea of giving.

Taking a step further, Shel Silverstein’s “Giving Tree” was read in the class that converged learners’ attention to the point of giving cost-free gifts. The concept was to treat the class with one cost-free gift. Values such as respect, love, discipline, commitments, and peace sprouted high leaving each student in awe.

Taking it a step further, students designed a ‘Thank Card’ with a quote and their love for their teachers of the Secondary Section to salute and honour their dedication and hard work.

Hearing teachers say, ‘You made my day dear! Thank you’ boosted students’ confidence and the level of their ecstasy as they understood ‘For it is in Giving that we Receive!’


The Year Begins with the Cry of ‘Ya Husain’

If thou seek to see the angels glee

Hum Hussain, Hussain, and in humility beseech

With each soul of BHS that with reverence speak

Labaik Ya Hussain in teary screech

To please our Dai Mufaddal Saifuddin


The forthright Monday morning sun of July 1st, 2019 actively participated to cherish the courtyard of BHS as it glinted colours of trust, just, patience and victory under the sky that was perfectly bleached white radiating its popular golden streaks to welcome BHS’ young army squad. The students of the Primary and Secondary section, all charged up with enthusiasm, tailored with discipline and ignited with hope, marched up chivalrously to salute the beginning of the Academic year 2019-2020.

With a sole aim of promoting practical education; be it in a form of project-based learning, problem-based learning, Robotics, Literacy Planet and more, BHS has always strived hard to promote holistic learning through practical approaches. And what better than the Ohbatat Majlis of Imam Husain AS itself that nests the heart with love and roots the soul with compassion and communication with the divine. After all, the Zikr of Imam Husain AS is the essence of all knowledge.

The Zikar, Matam and the recitation of Maula Abbas AS and Aqa Hussain’s AS shahadat reached the skies and our renowned guest of honor, Shk. Khuzaimabhai Rangwala, was highly pleased to see our hearty squad at BHS lamenting over Aqa Hussain AS with such intensity. The rhythmic chants of Hussain! Hussain! Hussain! roared with such vigor that it fruitfully enlightened each  culpable  soul.

In his address, Sh Khuzaima bhai’s wise proclamation commonly spoke of how to amalgamate the knowledge of deen and dunya, carefully instilling within us the objectives of our living and learning.

Further, the students dressed into the spirit of zeal and enthusiasm to cherish the high achievers of the previous Academic Year 2018-2019; the 3 toppers and 12 participants of  ICATS Linguistics and 3 toppers and 19 participants of ICATS Mathematics competition with Sakina M. Yosuf being the National topper securing 92% nationwide for her ICATS linguistics.

Congratulations to all the students for their praiseworthy performances!

Embellishing the event BHS proudly launched “SMALL HANDS” a book of short stories written by our passionate young authors of last year’s Grade 5. Their enthusiastic and versatile write-ups successfully captivated the interests of their readers across the school. What a milestone to be published authors at such a young age! This achievement will be with them like a shining lamp for a lifetime.

Delightedly, Badri High School’s first day was filled with fervor and excitement experienced amidst delighted shrieks and cheers. There was laughter and there was a lot of learning that promised us with an awe-inspiring year 2019-20 ahead.

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