

The voices swept over the expanse of the auditorium…impassioned, confident, eloquent voices that echoed off the walls and moved hearts, touched souls, probed controversial topics and forced minds to ponder.

They were the voices of the youth of the community—young boys and girls belonging to the seven Imani schools of Karachi.

The Interschool Bilingual Declamation Contest organized by Badri High School on 17th November 2018 aimed to provide a platform to the seven community schools in Karachi to display the oratory skills of the youth and polish their abilities as communicators. Such skills are imperative to be successful in the spheres of our personal, professional and academic lives in this media-dominated, technological age.

The English Declamation with its 14 participants (2 from each participating school) was judged by Ms. Marya Nakhoda, who has excelled as a trainer and facilitator at the PACC and Mrs. Samina Godhrawala, an English language expert who has taught at Al Jamea tus Saifiyah, Karachi, for a decade.

The 14 Urdu participants were judged by Sh. Taha Jalebiwala, a renowned Urdu writer and columnist and editor of the magazine Raudat. He was accompanied by Sh. Shabbar Jamali, a renowned poet of the community who has penned popular Marasi and Madahe.

The audience boasted of dignitaries like MNA Najeeb Haroon and Jinnah Women’s University Chancellor, Mr. Wajihuddin Ahmad who was so moved that he announced scholarships for the winning girls.

Janab Naeem Bhaisaheb, the chief patron of BHS, was present throughout the two and a half hour event. Also present were Amil Saheb of Karachi, Janaab Juzer Bhaisaheb, Amil Saheb of Al Mohalatul Burhaniyah, Janab Shabbir Bhaisaheb and Amil Saheb of Fakhri Mohalla Sh. Murtaza bhai as well as scholars from Al Jamea tus Saifiyah whose presence motivated the young presenters.


The students chose out of the following topics:


 A thing of beauty is a joy forever.

Envy is the ulcer of the soul.

Exploring Mars, discovering Earth.

A community receives light from its history.

The apple does not fall far from a tree.

Nothing is permanent but change

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.

Life begins on the other side of despair.

In the warrior`s code, there is no surrender.

A genius like me is not born every day.


           ہر قوم پكارے گی ہمارے ہیں حُسين ع م۔

           بجھا سكو تو ديا  بجھا دو  ،  دبا سکو تو صدا  دبا  دو۔

           ابھی عشق کے امتحان اور بھی  ہیں ۔

           دال میں کچھ کالا ہے۔

           وہ صدی تمھاری تھی ، یہ صدا  ہماری ہے۔

           اگر آسانیاں ہوں زندگی دشوار ہو جائے۔

           ہزاروں خواہشیں ایسی کہ ہر خواہش پر دم نکلے۔

           عہد جوانی پڑھ پڑھ کاٹا۔

           اقبال تیرے دیس کا کیا حال سناؤں۔

           مصروف تھا میں کچھ بھی نہ کرنے کے باوجود۔

Results for the Interschool English Declamation 2018

  • First: Sakina Amir-Badri High School
  • Second: Zahra Ghatila- MSB Shabbirabad
  • Third: Zainab Talib-MSB Haidry
  • Consolation prize: Sakina Ghatila-Saifiyah Girls High School

Results for the Interschool Urdu Declamation 2018

  • First: Naqiya Saifuddin-MSB, Haidry
  • Second: Taher Sh. Mohammed-Badri High School
  • Third: Zahra Aunali-Badri High School
  • Consolation prize: Shehrebanu Naeem-MSB Haidry

The Declamation not only succeeded in enthralling the audience with the talent of our youth but also proved that our Imani schools are striving to provide the very best of Deen and Duniya to our young generation to prepare them aptly for these changing times. These young orators won the hearts of the audience and were able ambassadors of their schools.

We hope that this declamation is merely a beginning to many such collaborative events in future through which we can provide opportunities for growth to our children and equip them to perform Khidmat as well as lead prosperous live in this world and the hereafter.



سندھی سیکھنے کی اُمنگ تمبولا کے سنگ

سنھی سیکھنے کی اُمنگ

تمبولا کے سنگ

بدری ہائی اسکول وہ گلدستہ ہے جہاں نئے پھول اپنی خوشبو بکِھیررہے ہیں وہیں پرانے پھول  اپنی پوری ترو تازگی کے ساتھ اسکول کی فِضائوں کو معطّر کئے ہوئے ہیں ۔جہاں نئے اساتذہ  اپنا جلوہ  دکھارہے ہیں وہیں نیا  نو  دن پرانا   سو  دن کے موافق اعلٰی تعلیم یافتہ اور تجربہ کاراساتذہ تعلیمی میدان میں بدلتی ہوئی تبدیلیوں کو فراخ دلی سے قبول کرتے ہوئے تدریس کے نئے نئے انداز  اپنانے کے لئے کوشاں ہیں ۔جہاں سائنس ،ریاضی اور کمپیوٹر جیسے  نظریاتی مضامین پڑھانے والے اساتذہ  اپنی مہارت دکھارہے ہیں وہیں لسانیات پڑھانے والے اساتذہ بھی تعلیمی  شعبے میں پیدا ہونے والی نئی جدّتوں کو اپنا تے ہوئے اپنے شاگردوں کو مستفید کر رہے ہیں ۔اسی سلسلے کی ایک کڑی میں بطور سندھی ،اردو  استاد ہونے کی حیثیت سے  میں نےسندھی ، اردو  الف۔بےکا  تمبولاجماعت میں متعارف کروایا ۔میں  نےیہ محسوس کیا کہ ٹیکنالوجی کے اس دور میں جہاں کتاب اور قلم کا استعمال ناپید ہوتا جارہا ہے،وہیں زبانوں کو سیکھنے کے لئے بھی بچّوں کے دلوں میں خوف اور بیزاری کے آثار نمایاں ہیں ۔ایک لسانی اُستاد ہونے کی حیثیت سے میں نے یہ اپنی اوّلین ذمہ داری سمجھی کہ کسی بھی زبان کو سیکھنے کے لئے اس زبان سے محبّت اور اُنسیت ہونا لازمی ہے۔لہذٰا اس سلسلے میں نئے طریقہ تدریس سے متاثر ہوکرکھیل کود کے انداز میں جماعت میں حروفِ تہجی کا تمبولا کھیلا گیا ۔الحمد للہ میری اس کاوش کا  مثبت نتیجہ سامنے آیا۔ بچّوں میں نہ صرف  زبانیں سیکھنے کےلئے دلچسپی پیدا ہوئی بلکہ  بیک وقت  وہ  دو  زبانوں کی حروفِ تہجی سیکھ گئے اور اس کھیل کو بار بار کھیلنے کی فرمائش بھی کرنے لگے۔بعض طلباءطالبات نے اپنے  تاثرات کا  اظہار  ان  الفاظ میں کیا کہ”ہمیں نہیں معلوم تھا کہ زبانیں سیکھنا  اتنا  دلچسپ بھی ہوسکتا ہے۔”مختصرا   یہ کہ میری   یہ ادنٰی کوشش رنگ لائی   اور   تدریس کا مقصد حاصل ہوا۔

بدری ہائی اسکول وہ گلدستہ ہے جہاں نئے پھول اپنی خوشبو بکِھیررہے ہیں وہیں پرانے پھول  اپنی پوری ترو تازگی کے ساتھ اسکول کی فِضائوں کو معطّر کئے ہوئے ہیں ۔جہاں نئے اساتذہ  اپنا جلوہ  دکھارہے ہیں وہیں نیا  نو  دن پرانا   سو  دن کے موافق اعلٰی تعلیم یافتہ اور تجربہ کاراساتذہ تعلیمی میدان میں بدلتی ہوئی تبدیلیوں کو فراخ دلی سے قبول کرتے ہوئے تدریس کے نئے نئے انداز  اپنانے کے لئے کوشاں ہیں ۔جہاں سائنس ،ریاضی اور کمپیوٹر جیسے  نظریاتی مضامین پڑھانے والے اساتذہ  اپنی مہارت دکھارہے ہیں وہیں لسانیات پڑھانے والے اساتذہ بھی تعلیمی  شعبے میں پیدا ہونے والی نئی جدّتوں کو اپنا تے ہوئے اپنے شاگردوں کو مستفید کر رہے ہیں ۔اسی سلسلے کی ایک کڑی میں بطور سندھی ،اردو  استاد ہونے کی حیثیت سے  میں نےسندھی ، اردو  الف۔بےکا  تمبولاجماعت میں متعارف کروایا ۔میں  نےیہ محسوس کیا کہ ٹیکنالوجی کے اس دور میں جہاں کتاب اور قلم کا استعمال ناپید ہوتا جارہا ہے،وہیں زبانوں کو سیکھنے کے لئے بھی بچّوں کے دلوں میں خوف اور بیزاری کے آثار نمایاں ہیں ۔ایک لسانی اُستاد ہونے کی حیثیت سے میں نے یہ اپنی اوّلین ذمہ داری سمجھی کہ کسی بھی زبان کو سیکھنے کے لئے اس زبان سے محبّت اور اُنسیت ہونا لازمی ہے۔لہذٰا اس سلسلے میں نئے طریقہ تدریس سے متاثر ہوکرکھیل کود کے انداز میں جماعت میں حروفِ تہجی کا تمبولا کھیلا گیا ۔الحمد للہ میری اس کاوش کا  مثبت نتیجہ سامنے آیا۔ بچّوں میں نہ صرف  زبانیں سیکھنے کےلئے دلچسپی پیدا ہوئی بلکہ  بیک وقت  وہ  دو  زبانوں کی حروفِ تہجی سیکھ گئے اور اس کھیل کو بار بار کھیلنے کی فرمائش بھی کرنے لگے۔بعض طلباءطالبات نے اپنے  تاثرات کا  اظہار  ان  الفاظ میں کیا کہ”ہمیں نہیں معلوم تھا کہ زبانیں سیکھنا  اتنا  دلچسپ بھی ہوسکتا ہے۔”مختصرا   یہ کہ میری   یہ ادنٰی کوشش رنگ لائی   اور   تدریس کا مقصد حاصل ہوا۔

انشاءاللہ بدری اسکول اور اس کے اساتذہ  عالی قدر مفضّل مولیٰ طع کے سائے میں ،علم نشر کرنے اور بچّوں کیبہترتدریس کے لئے  ہمیشہ کوشاں رہیں گے۔آمین۔




BHS Reception Celebrates Grandparents Day

It was almost nine o’clock on Saturday 10th November 2018. A little three-year old tugged excitedly at her Grandpa’s hand as she led him through the school gates. “This is my school, Dada. And that window over there, that is my class!” She gushed animatedly as she took him towards the ground. Other children and their grandparents started coming and very soon it was time to begin the Grandparents Day program.
After Tilawat-ul-Quran and matam, the children stood up and did salaam to their Grandparents and presented them with a lovely bookmark they had made themselves. The grandparents then made a flower craft from their grandchild’s handprint and then both posed for a photograph.
After that, they all participated in a fun game called ‘Four Corners’. The winners were presented with gifts. A salad buffet was prepared and the grandparents and children enjoyed a bowl of healthy and delicious salad together.
The grandparents left with a smile and lovely memories, hand-in-hand with their grandchildren. A day well-spent, indeed!


Juniors Celebrate Father’s Day

Around the world, Father’s Day is celebrated on different days throughout the year. It is a celebration of the bonds of love and respect between father and son/daughter. BHS Juniors planned a grand program on Saturday, 3rd November 2018, to celebrate Father’s Day in school. Junior fathers were invited to come and spend a fun-filled hour with their children in the school ground.
The juniors could hardly contain their excitement as they walked in the class on Saturday morning. They all wanted to tell the teacher that their father was coming to school today!

At nine, fathers started to arrive and took their seats with their children. The program began with Tilawat beautifully recited by Ruqaiya Hussain from Junior A followed by Matam and wazifatushukr. Marsia was recited by a team of students from Junior B.

Fathers were then asked to estimate the number of sweets on the car, write their answer on a post-it and put it in the basket. There was surprise gift for the best answer.

It was then time for the Papa shoe race. Children stood at the starting line wearing their father’s shoes and waiting for the signal. It was an effort to run in the big shoes and the children struggled happily amid excited cheering by the fathers. The children’s level of excitement can be gauged from this comment by a little girl:
“Teacher, please call my mummy next time.I want to run in her heels also.”

After the race, each father and child team made a crown for each other while the music teacher entertained the gathering with lovely music. Each father-child duo had their photograph taken in the beautiful frame prepared especially for the event.

Gifts were given to winners of the Papa shoe race and Aliasghar Shk. Huzaifa’s father received the sweet-studded car for the closest guess.

Souvenirs help revive memories long after the event and the Junior fathers are always going to remember this day when they use the keychain lovingly presented to them by their children.
One four-year-old was so overwhelmed by the program that he commented:
“One day, I will also come as a father for the program in my big car.”

He seemed to be as enamoured by the ‘car’ theme as by the program in general!
As the program came to an end, fathers sipped a much-needed cup of coffee while listening to appreciative remarks by others.

Mothers and family members who watched the live streaming of the program appreciated the effort and felt as if they were a part of the program as well.

Thank you, fathers. You deserve equal credit for the success of BHS Juniors Father’s Day Program.


The Thrill of the Track

The Karachi School Games Academy in collaboration with Pakistan Sports Board and Sindh Athletics Association organized an invigorating plethora of sporting events at the NCC Ground on Saturday 27th October 2018.

23 students from Badri High School experienced the thrill of participating on a tartan track as they competed with top 30 schools like The City School, Generations, Karachi Grammar, BVS.

Under 16 Winners:

Event Position Student Class
Shot Put 4th position Arwa Aziz X
100 meter race 3rd Position Fatema Najmuddin X
400 m race 4th Position Sakina Aunali X
800 m race 4th position Amatullah Sh. Mansoor X

Under 12 Winners:

Event Position Student Class
100 m 2nd position


Hussaina Juzar VIII
100m 3rd position


Murtaza Hussain VII

Under 16 Relay race-Boys:

Student Class
Abbas Fakhruddin X
Huzaifa Abbas X
Hamza Hasan X
Mohammad Shabbir X

Under 16 Relay race-Girls:

Student Class
Fatema Mansoor X
Maria Mansoor X
Umema Abbas X
Maria Ismail X
Fatema Saeed X

Long Jump-Under 16 –Boys

Student Class
Tahir Shabbir X

100 m –Under 16-Boys

Student Class
Husain Feroz X

Under 12 Relay race-Girls:

Student Class
Naqiyah Ali VII
Sherebano Huzaifa VII
Hawra Juzar V
Jamila Sh. Fakhruddin V

Under 12 Relay race-Boys:

Studentz Class
Shabbir Aliasghar V
Adnan Hussain VII
Ismail Adnan VII
Burhanuddin Huzaifa VIII

BHS encourages participation in Inter School competitive sporting events as it has proved to enhance skills, fitness and teamwork and exhort physical activity. The athletes of the school stand out from others as they display discipline because competitive sport requires dedicated training and practice. They understand that with hard work, often come results.

Students who ran on the track experienced the thrill of victory as well how to deal with disappointment. Losing well is a skill best learnt early and learnt well. Engraining good sportsmanship early can ensure students carry these good practices across every aspect of their lives and into their adulthood.

Yet above all, participation in sporting events builds camaraderie and teamwork. It’s this shared experience and emotion that builds loyalty and trust within a team and as a school.




Parenting-Understanding our Children

The 27th of October 2018 was scheduled to be the first Parent-Teacher Meeting of the Academic Year 2018-19 at Badri High School. However, when the core team sat to ponder the strategies for this year’s PTM we all saw a prominent pattern emerge from the feedback of the past PTMs.

When parents came to school to discuss their children’s academic progress, they also shared how their children were experiencing behavioral issues. Some children displayed signs of aggression, while some parents said their wards were very influenced by the imperious social media. Some fretted over how their child was becoming an introvert while others complained of anxiety symptoms in their children. Most parents expressed helplessness as to how they could help their child get through these trying phases.

These were the very students who were struggling in academics due to their behavioural issues.

This was when the core team at BHS decided to invite a Dr. Urooj Zehra, Clinical Psychologist, Speech Therapist and Psychotherapist to conduct a session for the parents of BHS to handle the major issues we had identified in the children.

Thus, the 27th of October became a day where the parents and teachers truly came together as partners in the progress of their children. Dr. Urooj, along with her colleague Dr. Mohammed Irfan, addressed over 400 parents assembled at the Al Jamea tus Saifiyah Auditorium early Saturday morning.

The professionals, taking cue from their study of the work of prominent psychologists and sociologists, spoke at length about the various parenting strategies and the most effective ones for the children of today. They talked about the issues children face as they step into their challenging teen years and how parents can be their support at this time. Parenting dos and don’ts were elucidated and a few activities to encourage interaction with the parents made the morning a lively one.

Dr. Urooj also touched upon how parents must behave when a new baby is to be born into the family and how the elder child must be treated to create acceptance for the new arrival.

A questionnaire was also circulated to help the parents reflect on which parenting style they are currently following and how they can make their relationship with their children a better and healthier one.

Parents appreciated the efforts of the school in anticipating the need of such a seminar and agreed on how they must as parents be open to learning in these changing times.

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