
Little Scientists

Children learn best when they’re involved in the learning. Hands-on science encourages children to observe and ask questions, touch and smell, explore and experiment. A learning experience will become more meaningful if it gives children the chance to make discoveries on their own.

Being ‘scientists’ allowed the Montessori Seniors to ask the why, how, and what questions. Even better, they found the answers to the questions themselves and learned the scientific process along the way!

Cleaning a Coin:

Which solution is most effective to clean a copper coin?
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Looking for Fossils:

How does a paleontologist look for fossils?
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Blowing Balloons: 

What happens when baking soda meets vinegar?
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Magnetic Maze:

How can you make the paper clip reach the bag without touching it?
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Sink & Float:

Find out for yourself which objects sink in water and which objects float.
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They may have been ‘scientists’ today, but they have become explorers for life.


Tomorrow’s Doctors being Doctors Today

“Imitation is not just the sincerest form of flattery – it’s the sincerest form of learning.”
― George Bernard Shaw

Children are very observant. They can pick on mannerisms, accents and emotions and then replicate them with startling accuracy.

So, when the Montessori students role-played ‘At the Doctor’s Clinic’, the ‘doctor’ came across as an important person doing serious work while the ‘patients’ distress and frustration in the waiting room was evident. The ‘secretary’ was smiling and helpful and dealt efficiently with the waiting ‘patients’ while the ‘chemist’ made sure to read the prescription carefully before handing over the medicine.

What the children learned throughout this process was evident in their ideas, their actions and their language. They may have played at being doctors but they were on a journey of discovery – discovering themselves.

“Through others we become ourselves.”
― Lev S. Vygotskyy


Wildlife Experience | Visit to Zeeshan Park

The Reception children had a thrilling experience at Zeeshaan Park, a wildlife safari and petting zoo. The adventure began as soon as the children climbed aboard the bus. The bus-ride was just as exciting for the children as the anticipated destination.

A guided tour was arranged for the children at the zoo and our guides were knowledgeable and most importantly, patient! The children were able to see some rare species of animal and birds including the red fox and a vulture. The pheasants and macaw with their riot of colours, the lovely peacock, the baby crocodile and the slimy snake were just some of the creatures our children saw and touched or held.

This trip was a wonderful way to increase the children’s knowledge and appreciation of the others creatures we share our environment with.



Dinosaur Discovery

This week the Montessori Seniors and Juniors had an opportunity to learn about the prehistoric animals, ‘Dinosaurs’. Dinosaurs have always fascinated all of us. For our young children this topic was thrilling; ‘What are dinosaurs?’, ‘How do we know about them?  ‘How long ago did they exist?’  Many questions like this were popping in their young minds. To answer their queries a whole week plan was prepared which included activities ranging from digging ‘fossils’ to witnessing dinosaurs in their actual sizes. Children became ‘paleontologists’ and used different tool like brushes, magnifying glasses and tweezers to dig ‘fossils’. This activity helped them to understand how dinosaurs were discovered. Dino-related books, stories, poems and videos further helped to consolidate their learning.

Visit to Jahangir Park

To extend their experience about these gigantic creatures, children visited Jahangir Park which has been newly renovated as a Dinosaur theme park. Children were awed to see the huge dinosaurs of different kinds and the dino-eggs which were big enough to hold a number of children. The creatures were connected to sensors which enabled them to move and make sounds. The children were thrilled to see the dinosaurs in action.  In addition, they got chance to see different birds, a peacock dance and had a great time in the outdoor play area which had see-saws, slides, swings and rope & wall-climbing. Eating lunch together was also so much fun.
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Coming back from park with loads of stories, they transferred their memories on page by drawing and writing about their experience.
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The beginning of March saw the students of Class 6, 7 and 8 poring through the poetry anthologies in the BHS library in their quest for a classic poem to recite in the final elocution of the year. After tumultuous trials taken in all classes, finally 42 participants were short listed to perform in the final elocution held on Friday 16th March 2018.

Since the beginning of the academic year, several elocutions have been held throughout the Secondary Section. Such focus on oratory skills, especially on poetry recitation is because poetry as an art breaks across grammar and syntax to create something new and imaginative for the children and succeeds in creating a love for the language. Research reveals that reading rhyming poetry out loud makes it easier for younger children to learn new vocabulary words. The rhythmic structure of the stanzas creates a known context for unknown words.

Through the fortnight while the English language teachers rehearsed with these 42 students, the students not only memorized these classic poems and learnt about reputed poets like Blake, Frost and Shakespeare but also began to comprehend the nuances of pitch, voice inflection, and volume. Reciting poetry helped them place emphasis on the sound and the rhythm of language, thus building their phonemic awareness.
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The young orators learnt to pick up patterns and sequences in the poems they recited developing their memorization skills. Linguistic experts share that this ability to pick patterns will eventually aid them in learning new languages, reading comprehension and mathematics.

Yet, the greatest outcome of every elocution has been the confidence which the children have felt when they were given the freedom to express feelings to their audience.  A variety of emotions were played out on stage from melancholy to humour; from heartbreak to bereavement; from love to patriotism. Infused with expression these classic poems were brought to life. The use of gestures and facial expressions helped them enthrall their audience.

Alefiya Sh. Esmail, who is a writer and poet in English, Arabic and Urdu as well as an educationist, was invited to judge the event. She shared her feedback regarding the event saying, “I was fortunate to have witnessed the young elocutionists of Badri High School in their full glory the past week. I saw students of secondary school dishing out verse after verse, from the absolute classics, to the anonymous poetry that we have all grown up on. And what a joy it was to behold! How lovely it was to hear young Taher Sh Mohammed of Grade VIII reciting Shakespeare’s Seven Ages of Man with such mastery! What great fun it was to watch Amatullah Aliasgher of Grade VII animatedly recite Faith Trekson’s Mother and the Mouse! And most of all, what an awesome performance Hatim Mustafa of (again of Grade VII) gave for If I Die!

These are but some names from many; truth be told, each and every participant was a winner in their own right.

What has deeply impressed me was the gusto with which the students participated in this competition. They performed beautifully, paying great attention to diction, delivery and body language. Some of these wonderful students were flawless, and a few seem ripe for any of the best spoken word platforms for their age group.

BHS has come a long way in the last couple of years, and it gives one great joy to be privy to its remarkable journey. The competitive spirit of its students, the bonhomie they share, and the inclusive atmosphere of this school were on full display in this competition. Here’s wishing these bright young students and their teachers all the very best in all their learning endeavors.”


Class 6 winners

Position Student Poem
First Ibrahim Quaid Johar Angel by William Blake
Second Naqiya Aliasghar Open a Book by William Blake
Third Alefiya Mohammed The Life of a Cupcake by Sheldy Greer

Class 7 winners

Position Student Poem
First Hatim Mustafa If I Die
Second Amatullah Aliasghar Mother and the mouse by Faith Trackson
Third Umehani Mohammed Thinking by Walter De Wintle

Class 8 winners

Position Student Poem
First Asma Abbas Trees by Joy Kilmer
Second Abbas Mustafa Drive the nail aright
Third Zainab Amir

Insiya Khozema

A hazy dark life by Robin Davis

Stopping by the Woods by Robert Frost


Plunging head-first into the world of Arduino at BHS

The 20th of March opened up the world of Arduino to Grade 8 students as a test run was carried out to this open-source electronics prototyping platform for them. This comes after the resounding success of Robotics for Grade 5-7 which has opened up limitless horizons for the students to prepare them to take on the technology-oriented world of tomorrow.

Arduino was discovered at the GESS Dubai Fair attended this year by one of the Science teachers Sir Ibrahim Shabbir. After buying a kit for himself, which he thoroughly enjoyed assembling, he planned to bring this to the students of class 8 who were eager to learn something new.

The objective to begin this easy-to-use hardware and software is to let the students understand how the modern world works through sensors. Students continue to be fascinated by the working of computers that power everyday objects like microwave ovens and washing machines. Arduino answers questions that students pose regarding how robots and computers work.

The first session was also attended by a few ex-BHS students who are now NED students who were more than happy to play a part in the progress of their alma mater. The team of engineers worked hands-on to help students learn how to program and how to build amazing interactive objects. The pupils learnt to follow well-documented and simple instructions as they assembled their first project of LED lights.


Imran, one of the engineers shared, “This course is being taught in Engineering colleges and its wonderful that our students are being taught to be ahead of the fast-moving times.”

Arduino is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or developing environments.

 Arduino can sense its environment by receiving inputs from sensors, and interact with its environment by controlling lights, motors, or other actuators. The Arduino integrated development environment (IDE) is a cross-platform application written in Java, and is derived from the IDE for the Processing programming language and wiring projects. It can run independently and communicate with other software such as Flash, Processing, MaxMSP and more.


The Artist in Me

Learning about what people do is always fascinating at any age. The Reception children are currently learning about professions and the topic of the week was ‘Artist’.

Being artists for the week was a lot of fun for the children. They worked with different mediums and learned about the tools an artist uses. Finally they displayed their art pieces and invited everyone to view and appreciate their lovely artwork.



The world of Medicine opens up as students visit Saifee Hospital


Badri High School believes in imparting education to the students not just by textual reading or learning of content but by helping them experience the real world.


The students of class VII at BHS are learning about the human body systems in Science and thus, a visit to the Saifee Hospital was planned so that their classroom and theoretical learning can be amalgamated with the latest and practical methods of healthcare.


Saifee Hospital is one of the hospitals managed by Saifee Hospital Trust established by His Holiness Late Dr. Syedna Mohammad Burhanuddin (RA) to cater to the essential healthcare needs of a common man. It is dedicated to the memory of his revered father, His Holiness, Late Dr. Syedna Taher Saifuddin (RA). It is a complete, healthcare-services based hospital and provides compassionate, accessible & high quality care to the patients.


44 students along with 2 teachers (Sir Ibrahim Shabbir and Sir Hussain Tayyeb)  visited Saifee Hospital on Friday, 9th March 2018. They reached at 10 am where they are welcomed by the management. The students were divided into two groups. Students visited the Pharmacy, Emergency ward,  OPD, X-ray room, CT-Scan machine, Operation theater, Burhani Ward, Peads ward, eye surgical ward, NICU, Infusion Room, Gynecology ward, Physiotherapy, Dialysis center and also the recently inaugurated Nursing School.
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Students felt the importance of life when they saw small ailing children in the Peads ward. Their eyes filled the tears by looking them. Students have also given the small children and their mothers “GET WELL SOON “ cards. The smile on the face of the young childrens’ mothers gave relief to the students. When students reached the dialysis center, they witnessed the working of the dialysis machine and here too they gave “GET WELL SOON “  cards to the patients.
Students were very interested in adding to their knowledge so they asked many questions which also encouraged the doctors to explain about the equipment in detail. Doctors were willing to answer any question asked by the students and explained it to them until they were satisfied.



We would like to thank the trustees and management of Saifee Hospital for allowing our students to visit the hospital and facilitating them every step of the way.



Ibrahim Shabbir. Co-Author

In the glittering world of Dubai, GESS Dubai (Global Educational Supplies and Solutions Exhibitions and Conferences) is being held for a duration of 3 days for the past 11 years. GESS Dubai is an educational conference and exhibition with a difference, bringing together engaging industry leaders from around the world and influential local practitioners to present a combination of inspirational talks and dynamic, hands-on workshops.  Collaborative and innovative sessions are held to allow the visitors take home practical teaching methods, to use in their classroom immediately.

Last year, I had the opportunity to visit Gess Dubai 2017 with the Principal of Badri High School, Janab Sh Hashim bhai and Head of the Montessori Section, Mrs. Tasneem Hashim. As I visited the different stalls and attended various workshops, I had the opportunity to witness the progress in the field of education throughout the world. Through the course of three days, I was fascinated to know where exactly the world is going in the field of education and technology as well as the online resource and educational supplies used. The hands-on workshops I attended there helped me as well as my students to move towards a new pedagogy “Creative Thinking” and Asking the “How” questions rather than the “W” questions.

This year GESS Dubai 2018 will always remain special for me because I was chosen to attend it on behalf of BHS along with Sir Ibrahim Shabbir. This year, the theme for the conference was “Lifelong Inspiration”. Through the course of three days we were once again fascinated but more over satisfied because when we heard the presenters talking about collaboration of school with parents through Cloud base App, We smiled inside as we knew that in one year we at Badri High School had come far ahead as we have already begun using the Ilmversity app.

When we attended the hands on Robotics session, we were proud that students of class 5, 6 and 7 at BHS are engrossed and enthusiastic about their Robotics classes where they are using their Science, Math and English skills to make and program their Mind storm EVE 3 bot and have become so skilled at Robotics that they are now on the verge of hosting an Inter school Competition.

But we are not going to stop here. This year we have attended workshops to learn about Raspberry-Pi and scratch programming as well as how to collaborate with International schools to Learn English Language and Online Reading Program.

We also attended the workshop for children’s fitness training and came to learn how to use small timed exercise to energise the students again. We also got some new ideas of how science can be made more interesting in classrooms.

Our heartiest gratitude to Janab Naeem Bhaisaheb whose far-sighted vision enabled us to undertake this valuable experience. BHS is also grateful to the Trustees who supported us whole heartedly in making this journey possible.

At start of the journey we were told that we are visiting Dubai not with the vision to implement and get everything in school, but to broaden our vision to where the world is in the field of education and what we can learn from it. But this two year experience of GESS Dubai has shown me that if we put our heart and soul into learning as teachers we can create an amazing vision for our future generation.

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