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Success is the result of perfection, hard work, loyalty, and persistence.
The 12th of January 2018 was a day to be remembered. The air was filled with the scent of the dwindling winter as well as the energy of the excited, young sportsmen on the green turf of Khaimat ur Riyazat as Badri High School hosted its Annual Sports Day.
Titled ‘A Sport for Everyday’ the theme of the event drew inspiration from Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin’s TUS excerpt on the advent and passage of seven days since time immemorial and the events which unfold in them. BHS coupled this with the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle which Aali Qadr Maula TUS is inculcating in every believer’s household through wholesome nutrition, exercise and regular medical checkups, and used the number 7 in every one of its races.
The event was graced by the chief patron of BHS, Janab Naeem Bhaisaheb and Amil Saheb of Al Mohalatul Burhaniyah Janab Shabbir Bhaisaheb who were accorded a guard of honour by the BHS band and Student’s Council. Following Tilawat and recitation, the sportsmen took oath before the Chief Guests and the games were declared open.
The first phase of the games featured the tiny tots of the Pre Primary Section who delighted the audience with their PT display. This was followed by the four races of the Montessori Section the first based on Eric Carl’s book ‘The Hungry Catterpillar’ showcasing the seven days of the week. The second race showed the Riwayat of Imam Husain AS granting the ‘Saail’ seven farzand; the third displayed the Riwayat of Maulatuna Fatema’s pearl necklace bearing seven pearls and lastly, the tracks showed runner dressed as the seven national things of Pakistan.
The second phase incorporated the Primary Section’s PT display which was a vibrant exhibition of precision, energy and coordination by the 150 students of classes 1-5. The audience gasped in wonder as 60 boys from the Secondary section leaped on each other to form four human pyramids paying homage to the four houses at BHS. The four house flags fluttered in the morning breeze as the children cheered their houses on.
Then came the enthralling races. On one hand the hurdle, relay races and the sprints excited the audience, while the survivor race, balancing race, tunnel race and the wheelbarrow race taught lessons of coordination and teamwork. The Seven Wonders race and the Rainbow skipping race incorporated learning and agility while the Breakfast race and Getting Ready for School race taught lessons which would come in handy everyday.
The events ended with a thrilling tug-of-war and with the red house emerging the victor of the day with 36 points. The races were accompanied with the giving away of medals and trophies in quick succession. The senior girls were also honoured with certificates and medals on the big day even though their events had been held on the 10th of January.
The BHS Sports Day received TV coverage and the students and staff walked away with an unparalleled feeling of fulfillment, invigoration and achievement.
In the month of Rabi ul Akhir, Milaad celebration is one of the precious and awaited events. It is accompanied with excitement and happiness on the faces of every single mumin. As soon as Milaad approaches, munineen begin an energetic spree of preparations.
On the auspicious occasion of Milaad Darajah Sadesa of BHS made a wonderful maaraz on Mumin nu Ghar, and expressed their love and devotion for Aqa Maula TUS. This maraz has become their great achievement and also an inspiration for all other students.
The maraz was divided into three groups. The first group had made a model of a house which has no nazafat and taharat and their living standard is not as per Aqa Maula’s TUS desire.
The second group had prepared a model of a mumin’s house where the mumin has upgraded and nurtured himself as per the khushi Mubarak of Maula TUS. They are living their life in spirituality and faith has engulfed all aspects of life.
The third group had designed charts which described the disadvantages of consuming moharramat and also the reason behind its prohibition in Islam. They also tried to focus on the use of Indian toilets which is considered to be key in maintaining taharat and elaborated its scientifically proven health benefits.
May Allah grant these children the vigour to work on such projects with enthusiasm to attain the happiness of Maulana TUS and grant our Maula Aali Qadar Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS a long, healthy and prosperous life till the day of Judgement
A Session for the Reception and Junior Parents by Janab MullaAbdulqadirbhai
On Friday, 5th January 2018 the Junior and Senior parents were invited to an informative session on how they can help their children in doing hifz. The session was held in the Hifz Room and was conducted by Janab MullaAbdulqadirbhai.
As our children are too young to do hifz by themselves, they need all the help they can, especially from their parents. Therefore, it is imperative that we as parents know what to do and how to do.
Janab MullaAbdulqadirbhaishared important tips along with examples, demonstrations and anectodes which made the session lively and engaging. He also shared an app for hifz-ul-Quran with the parents.
Janab Shk. Hashimbhai closed the session by emphasizing that big dreams require big sacrifices. It is only when we, as parents sacrifice our social lives, social media and television that we will get closer to our dream of making our child a hafiz. InshaAllah.
Parents of the Montessori were happy to receive the progress report of their child today. Each report was enclosed in a beautiful folder which show-cased the child’s individual work. The Milad goodie bag in each folder will be a wonderful surprise for the children when they reach home. We had something for parents too inside the folder. We are sure parents are looking forward to the exciting events for which they received invitations.
We hope to see the Reception and Junior parents at the hifz workshop tomorrow.
An interesting and thought provoking session was conducted by Ms. Farida Sailani and Ms. Munira Aliasghar in the Activity Room on Friday 30/12/17.
They had recently attended a 6 hour long workshop at Aga khan IED on teaching numbers to under-fives. The teachers were eager to share their learning with the rest of the Montessori staff who were responsive and enthusiastic participants.
Who dares to teach, must never cease to learn.
Badri High School has provided culminating educational experiences to the students, contributing to the welfare of the society, which is the ultimate goal of education. It strives to promote the maximum potential of its teachers along with the students.
Teachers are agents of change. A good one can inspire pupils to be hopeful, ignite their imagination along with instilling a love for learning. Here, at BHS, every teacher believes that he/she needs to improve, not because they are not good enough but because they can be even better equipped with the pedagogies that are required to shape a bright future for the learners.
With this faith of transforming the present into a better future, BHS keeps sending its teachers to various workshops and trainings to nurture their erudition. Recently, four teachers from the BHS team were sent for a training based on Project Based Learning- a teaching method in which students gain knowledge and skills by working for an extended period of time to investigate and respond to an authentic question, problem or challenge that is related to the real life. PBL contrasts with paper-based, rote memorization or teacher-led instructions.
When PBL is used with 21st century skills, students are exposed to the use of technology in meaningful ways to help them investigate, collaborate, analyze, synthesize, and present their learning. Many efficacious schools in Pakistan have adopted PBL as the master pedagogy of their schools.
The teachers who are trained for implementing the pedagogy by the school are:
The teachers are gratified as Badri High School has provided them with this commendable opportunity to learn and teach.