
PTM: A Time to Connect

It was a sunny Saturday and ideal for a rendezvous with parents.

BHS held its first Parent Teacher meeting of the academic year on the 28th of October 2017. PTMs are a time for parents and teachers to connect and regroup regarding the pupil’s progress.

The teachers have carefully analysed the students in the last few months since the beginning of the academic year and have been able to record their progress according to their monthly test, strengths and weaknesses.

The parents were very open minded about the feedback shared by the teachers. The teachers also gained an insight into the students personalities and backgrounds by speaking with the parents.

This was a much desired step in the right direction for the school and parents to work hand in hand for the betterment and guidance of the pupils.


An Ex Student inspires Seniors

The seniors of Class 10 were in for a treat  today as Huzefa Shabbir, an ex student of Badri High School came to share his success story with the students.
Huzefa passed out from BHS in 2004. He did his Engineering from NED and then went to Germany to pursue higher studies. Currently he is doing his PhD in Calculation Physics from Germany.
Huzefa shared his lower middle class background and how his hard work and focus led him to his success. He advised them against wasting their time on social media websites and encouraged them to keep the right company. He emphasized that school life is the time when a child learns discipline, communication skills and explores his/ her potential to realise what areas he/ she excels in. He emphasized that one must pursue a career in one’s area of interest as loving ones work is very important.
The students were enthralled by his speech and they even asked for individual time to ask him questions.
Huzefa said, “I am so impressed that the students are so disciplined. They have great listening skills and confident body language. I loved the fact that each of them have the drive to do something in their life.”
The students bonded with Huzefa Shabbir as they could relate to him. In him they saw their bright future.

BHS Seniors participate at the Board of Secondary Education’s Student Week 2017

Participating in Inter School competitions is an experience which opens up vast horizons for a student. This is especially vital for the senior students who need to be prepared to face the outside world in the next couple of years.

The last week was one which enriched the students’ experience as the students from class 9-10 participated in the events organized by the Board of Secondary Education in celebration of Students Week.

Ammar Mustasir from class 9B participated in the Husne Qiraat competition held on Monday 16th October. Taha Murtaza of 9A represented BHS in the Naat competition on Tuesday 17th October. Mohammad of 10B impressed the audience with his Urdu speech on Wednesday 18th October. From 9B Sakina Shujauddin’s melodious voice was a treat to hear in the Milli Naghma solo contest on Thursday 19th October while Ruqaiya Ejaz of 10A showed her eloquence in the English speech competition on Friday 20th October.

The experience infused confidence and spirit in the participants and their skill made BHS proud.


Shahzada Idrees Bhai saheb Badruddin DM Visits Badri High School

The air was charged with excitement on Thursday, 12th October 2017, 22nd Moharram up Haram 1439 Hijri as Syedna Aali Qadr Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS was due to grace Al Mohalatul Burhaniyah for the entire day.

What added to the exuberance was the news that Shahzada Idrees bhai saheb Badruddin DM Ameedut Taleem was to visit Badri High School.

At 11:45 Shahzada Saheb reached the BHS premises. He was accorded a guard of honour by the BHS band boys dressed in their smart royal blue waistcoats. Students from the Pre Primary Section welcomed him with a bouquet.

Shahzada saheb began his tour with the Hifzul Quran room where he was very pleased with the progress of the school going huffaz.

He visited the primary section classrooms and toured the Science Lab and Art room.


Shahzada saheb then came to the Secondary section where he looked into every class. Yet what completely enthralled him was the Robotics class being conducted in the SMART rooms. The students programmed a robot before him while he was briefed about the newly launched Robotics classes for classes 5-7.

On the ground floor Shahzada Saheb inspected the vibrant Pre Primary classrooms and activity room.

In the Computer Lab he was shown a presentation of the achievements of the last year 2016-17. He inquired into the many aspects of the school and it’s activities.

After a visit to the library, Shahzada Idrees bhai saheb was taken to the Principal’s office where the sharbat and wadhavanu rasm was carried out by BHS trustees. Various reports regarding Badri High School and Madrasa Badriyah were presented.

The one hour visit revived memories of Aali Qadr Maulas TUS historic visit to BHS in 2016. Shahzada saheb’s visit infused a new energy into the BHS environ and we express our gratitude for his concern for the institute.

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